
Speed of light...pls help!!!!

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with what experiment did scientist come to the conclution that light have max speed?




  1. Now THAT is a very good and intelligent question. I AIN'T gotta clue. But Einsteins Special Theory of Relativity states that thou shall NOT go faster than the speed of light.

    As a mental experiment you may look at the speed limit of light in THIS way, IF you were riding on a beam of light (and going the requisite speed)  while carrying a flashlight and turned the flashlight ON, the beam of light coming from the flashlight would NOT go faster than the beam you are sitting on. "Thou shall not add the velocities of light" so said Einstein.  

  2. to be straightforward it is 3 X 10*8 m/s i.e. 3 into 10 power 8

  3. Wow I never thought about it!

    May be because they never found anything ealse moving faster than light.

    Recent theoretical speculations show that Light,a long time back, was travelling much faster than it is doing Now.

  4. Oh something about centrifuge this, atoms that, a lttle dash of rocket fuel, and you got yourself the speed of light

  5. If you want to be correct for you're homework go back to class and say that the speed of light isn't in fact the fastest thing in the universe.

    Gamma rays which have extremely shorter wavelengths are almost 10 times faster then light rays. Gamma rays are so small and fast that they can travel through humans, houses, brick walls etc With ease. They are the rays from the sun that is blocked only by our ozone.

    Gamma rays are faster and so are X-Rays. So you're homework is void.  

  6. found a pdf

  7. Wow. No clue.

  8. i found this site. it isnt the answer to your question, but its the closets i've come to it. maybe you can get some stuff off of this page..

  9. Einstein's special theory of relativity says that anything that travelled faster than light would also have to travel backwards in time.

    edit: oh and the speed of light is not infact max speed. google quantum tunnelling for some crazy reading. hope this help :)

  10. I don't think scientists were ever under the impression that light -didn't- have a max speed. Nothing is infinitely fast.

    If you want information on experiments done to determine the speed of light, look here:

  11. 300000000km/secont

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