
Speed running sports?

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Is it true that some people are born fast and is it possible to train to gain speed or is it some gentics thing and if you can gain speed any tips on how to become faster? I mean running because i play football and i want to play running back and i need more speed




  1. Genetics takes part of the usual build of the person and their abilities

    I was cursed and blessed with Asthma,

    The curse was to suffer breathing problems after each run

    the blessed part was actually to get me motivated to keep going, no matter how much my body suffers, i can beat anyone with any disease-inflicted on me

    Well to gain speed is all training and endurance, you can run super fast for a short while, but everyone is different, and dont get discouraged, you'll get there

  2. it is true that some people are just born fast but yes, you can train and gain speed. the only difference is that it comes easier to some people. it all depends on how hard you work for it

    "hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard"

    my suggestion is to find a sprinter workout and to work on endurance
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