
Speed walking, synchronized swimming,...what's next, ballerina?

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does anyone else think that the Olympics have gotten alitte ridiculous?




  1. There are for sure some events that do not belong in the olympics but the other events out weigh the stupid ones in my opinion.

  2. Postivity, what do you mean dont compare ballerinas to synchro swimmers? You think what we do is easy??????? Isnt it a little hyppocritical to say a sport is easy because it looks that way?? People say the same about ballet all the time. Ballet is definitely hard and beautiful but so is synchro. We need the strength and the endurance and the grace and the flexibility to pull off a routine just like ballet dancers. and im not saying synchro is harder than ballet but its probably about even. Dont judge before you try it, especially someone whos sport is exposed to the same prejudices as the one they're talking about.  

  3. Well, speed walking has been in the Olympics since 1904, so it isn't exactly like it is a new sport like BMX or even the relatively new Beach Volleyball.  Besides, these people walk a mile in about 8 minutes, which i'm sure is faster than most people could run a mile.  

    Synchronized swimming and rhythmic gymnastics, however, have got to go.

  4. Don't forget speed poker shuffling. The US is a cinch for the gold.

  5. You forgot Ball Room Dancing.

  6. Umm, DON'T compare us Ballet Dancers to synchronized swimmers! We work our butts off! Just to get one little thing right.

    Haha sorry I got a little offended, anyways I do agree with you I mean come on! Handball? Equestrian? And then they want to take Baseball and Softball off! What?

  7. Perhaps moron tossing is next.  OMG we're all in danger.  RUN!!

  8. you left out badmitton and table tennis

  9. It would be called ballet, not ballerina, but at any rate, I think its so some ladies can get more into the whole thing.

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