I was crossing the road at the traffic lights, the little man was green and it was one of those roads with 2 lanes on each side. And so im halfway across the road with my son, who is only 2, when I spotted a red car coming round the corner very fast and i quickly picked up my son and went to step back and i'm telling you the car skimmed my thigh and made me kind of spin and really hurt my leg. This is not the first time this sort of thing has happened on that particular road, there have been other incedences where cars just run the traffic lights. Who do i contact and how do i make them take notice and let thim know that one set of traffic lights either end of the road isn't enough. It's like a really long straight road, looks a bit like a dual carriage way and there is also a nursery on the same road. My son could have been hurt even killed. I was so shaken up, and the driver never even stopped. Had the nerve to give me a dirty look out the window as he sped past.