
Speeding fines in the US?

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Hi guys, I'm italian and I'd like to know what u think about the penalties applied for speeding in Italy. Are them the same as in the US or less severe?

On every road, speeding not more than 26 mph OVER the limit: no licence suspension, 150 dollars fine.

Speeding more than 26 mph over the limit: one month licence suspension and 250 dollars fine.

In Italy you never go to a court for speeding, and radars can't be hidden: there must be a sign before them.

Maybe that's why we run so much:))

Is it the same in your Country? Ciao e grazie!




  1. They hide the radars here and sometime even use cameras and mail you a ticket. The fine here varies from state to state but generally starts at 5 MPH over the limit with a basic fee and gets steeper for every mile in excess of the first five. Points are also assessed against your license and you can usually pay the fine at the clerks office or in some cases mail it in.  Some places have a traffic school you can attend so that you don't get the points assessed but the fine still has to be paid plus the cost of the school. Maybe we should talk to the Italian Govt. about importing our system? lol

  2. Each State has its own laws about speeding, I think Montana has no speed limits on the highways.

  3. I believe ours is cant go 15 over speed limit and if you did would be around $150 to $200 fine..

  4. no they're much more strict here

    Some cities even have cameras to mail a traffic violation ticket to your home, for speeding or running a red light. I've heard those tickets are $100.00, & they will ticket you for speeding as little as 4 mph over the limit.

    It varies by city & then what kind of road your on, like speeding on the highways is trouble with the state.

    On a road trip I saw a sign with a chart of the miles over the limit & the dollar amount of the ticket you can get.

    Another  road trip with a friend, she got pulled over by a Transam all fixed up with under cover lights & she had to pay a $550.00 ticket then & there or go to jail. The Transam was also equipped with a credit card processor.

    Depends on where you are & the mood of the cop in the US.

    Consider yourself lucky &

    Please drive carefully  `~`

  5. In the US -

    Ya you go to court

    Fines usually start at 10 mph over... tho not always

    Fines are higher than what you stated

    Cops hide and also use unmarked police cars

    They are viewed as a revenue source so there are a lot of speed traps to raise revenue

    It not unheard of for people to be ticketed unjustly...again for revenue

    Speeding can cost you points on your license... after you accumulate enough points your license is suspended for a year

    Points on your license raise your insurance premiums

  6. Same here.

  7. sounds about the same

  8. well, here in fairfax county virginia, its $3 for every mph you're over.  if you're 20mph over, its reckless driving and you have to go to court.  if you're over 90mph, its 1 day in jail for every mph over 90.

    just driving on our main highway (which is 55mph) most people easily go 20mph over...

  9. Speeding laws vary from state to state.

  10. Its speeding and reckless driving. Points will be deducted from the license from the credited amount. If you hit zero you loose your license for a time.

  11. Heck no, if you are caught speeding in USA you get hit with a big fine (some states are thousands of dollars), they hide the radar, even use airplanes to nab speeders, and cops are sneaky around every corner using radar on you.

  12. Nope! Wish it was like that here (US)... I was goin 99 in a 70 n the ticket was $856 in GA... I was drivin from SC to CO.

  13. The US is based upon a fascist system of justice, therefore they are much more severe in their penalties than Italy.

  14. Please note, in the united states speeding fines are more for raising capitol for local municipalities than for public safety! Also, take notice the autobahn in Germany has great stretches with no speed limits but statistics prove that is is safer than any interstate highway in the U.S.A.. Take note, Germany prohibits cell phones, eating and other distractions while driving so drivers are more focused on driving while in the USA drivers are doing all kinds of things and not focused on driving. If governments really where concerned about safety for the general public while they are driving instead of imposing fines and collecting revenues they would just pass laws making auto manufactures install speed governors which cost less than $100.00 US dollars. In the USA in some states a traffic ticket when your speed is in excess of 25 mph can cost you over $500.00. It's all about the money here.

  15. Sounds correct to me, good luck.

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