Hello everyone,
My question is simple. I got a speeding ticket and I would like to know if it's better for me to fight it at court or pay for it.
I was driving on a big commercial street (4 lanes each way) in Los Angeles. The posted speed limit is 30 and it changes to 35 a couple of blocks before the intersection where I was pulled over.
This was the first time I was being pulled over and I was obviously uncomfortable throughout the process, nevertheless, I pulled over as soon as I heard the siren and was very polite to both the officers that asked for my information. They initially said I was going with 55 on a 30mph limit street. I was very surprised to hear that I was going that fast and I explained that I speeded in order to avoid another car that was trying to change lanes. I literally speeded for a few feet to avoid the car and then when I reached the intersection (where I was pulled off)I suddenly slowed down (maybe I slowed down too fast). To be completely honest, I didn't slow down due to the speed limit. I take that street almost everyday on my way to work and back and I knew that there was a big bump on the street.
I am assuming that this is why the officers pulled me over. Maybe they thought that I spotted them and tried to slow down to avoid a ticket.
To make a long story short, they realized that the speed limit was 35 and they wrote that I was going with 54mph on the ticket.
One thing that I need to point out here is that everybody on that street is speeding and you can tell cause there is a speed meter posted. You will never see speeds less than 50mph when the street is open. The reason I am mentioning that is that there were a couple of cars in front of me or besides me which were going with a similar speed as me.
Once again to be quite honest, after I stopped I thought that maybe I shouldn't have cause they could just as easily be pointing at another car. Then again maybe it was me.
This is my first ticket ever. I have only been driving for about a year. I am old and mature enough to know that speeding is dangerous and unnecessary. (In other words, I am not a 20year old who just got his first car and wants to show it off)
I looked it up on the internet and I know that I have a solid case. I can either start questioning the radar (which I didn't ask to see) or the officer and how trained he is to use this radar or even blame it on the car behind me. The place I was pulled over also happens to be a well known speed trap - a term I recently learned after my research.
Please try not to start posting comments like "that's what you get for speeding" and such. I know I was speeding but I am a new driver and I did it for a reason - to avoid an accident. I am a MBA student on a scholarship and can't really afford the ticket.
Please advise.
Thank you all in advance and I am sorry for the length of this question. I just felt that I needed to fully clarify the situation. Please ask me if you have any further question.