I just got my first speeding ticket. I was doing 45 in a 30 (apparently, the road changed from 35 to 30 and gets a lot of people there). The officer said I have one of three options
1) Mail the 90 bucks and take 2 points on my license (don't want to do this)
2) Say not guilty and go to court to plead case
3) Say guilty, but go to a hearing for sentencing. Here I can state my case and hopefully get it reduced.
I'm not sure what to do. Everyone says just go to court and if the officer shows up say "Guilty" but if he doesn't, "Not Guilty." Apparently, there is something new in Maryland and you can't do that. You have to state your guilt/innocence before you even get a trial date. If I say not guilty, the officer shows up and I could end up paying more. I'm not sure what to do with this new way of dealing with speeding tickets. It is my first offense (and I'm 24, so no tickets in 8 years) so I think I have a good argument. Any advice?
Thank you all in advance.