
Speeding tickets/officers wife?

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ok i have 5 speeding tickets to pay for, they are for goin 80-83 in a 65 zone. My hubby knows about 2 of them and paid them. I am soo glad Kansas doesnt have a point system. Hubby is a cop. If he finds out about my other 3 tickets he is goin to be ticked off. He will only yell at me. I just dont want to hear the same speech agian..blah blah blah. Should I just write a check and pay them w/o tellin him. Well if I do that and he finds the bank statement he will be mad for 2 reasons 1 I lied the other for speeding...ahhh.....I have since only gone 5 over the speed limit. I am not sure what to do here. Any advice?




  1. My hubby's a cop too and I say put on your best puppy face tell him you want to be honest but your scared of his reaction. Then he will be concerned so when you tell him about the tickets he'll be more worried about why you were scared to tell him and won't be able to get mad at you. Think about they arrest people everyday for spousal abuse they don't want to see the same fear in your face that they see in the spouses of the abusers. I knwo this sounds bad but what works works! Also quit speeding you should be ashamed just kidding i learned my lesson the hard way too! Oh and if he does get mad tell him well i thought honesty would go over better than hiding it from you for the rest of our lives maybe it will help. Good Luck! and God Bless

  2. Pay for them in money order or cash.

    If he asks where the money went, say you got your hair done... not like men know the difference, lol. he'll say "oh yeah you did, it looks great!"

  3. Just tell him. He will most likely find out anyways.

  4. I would talk with him.  Even though Kansas does not have a point system, your insurance company will still check your driving record, and eventually your insurance will start to go up.

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