
Speeding up internet?

by  |  earlier

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I currently run internet on a BT Voyager 105 USB ADSL Modem, AOL gave me a dialbb connection which i am supposed to get 8 MB but the max i get is 1 MB. Transfer rate is a max of 95.0 kbps.

Mostly interested in getting transfer rate up so i can download patches and mods for games.

Any one and please no-one tell me to phone my ISP or tell me to get faster internet.





  1. unless you are willing to admit the problem is with your isp and talk to them, your major problem seems to me to be between the chair and the monitor. there is almost nothing you can do on your end to speed up a slow isp connection. there is no magic bullet to instant speed. if niether of the isps you have used can give what you want then try a different one.

  2. Sorry my friend but if you don't eliminate the possibility that your ISP is/isn't the reason then it might be a little bit difficult to solve the prob. Sorry but I gotta say you have to call them and ask them whats going on. Ask them the same thing you asked here, they will know better.

  3. bt voyager is locked to bt unless it has been modded did aol sorry for swearing give you a router for there internet?
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