
Speedo FS-pro jammer or TYR Tracer light jammer?

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i dont care about the money i just want the better suit.

Which one would you recomend?

have you actually wore them?

I had the fs-pro jammer a year ago but i think it was a little too big and it just filled up with water.




  1. Sorry to disappoint you, but there is no difference nor is there any advantage (as in decreased drag) to either suit.  

    If you've been watching the Olympic Trials, you've likely noticed the number of swimmers in the Speedo LZR and a smattering of them in the TYR suit.  Those are the only two suits that have, in actual independent testing, that have shown any advantage.  The Speedo offers a decrease in drag of about 5% and the TYR about 4% decrease.

    I'm glad that money is no problem as the Speedo costs around $550 for the full body suit and is good for about 5 races!  After that, it is too stretched out to be effective.

  2. Tell you the truth it depends on which one you like better, how it feels.  The Pro is probably the most comfortable.  The LZR is the most constricting and the TYR can be constricting for girls.  The TYR tracer reduces drag more so than the Pro, but not as much as the LZR.  I have swam in all of them.  If you are at any level under U.S. Nationals and Trial level the difference in TYR and Speedo shouldn't matter or in Pro vs. Tracer.  

    Good Luck with your choice!

  3. Go with the FS Pro. If your an IMer then thats all the Jammer is good for. If freestyle then I'd go full body or legs. Pro last longer and dries faster. Its only a small step down from the LZR.

  4. I always go Speedo anything over TYR. Since I am a girl I haven't actually worn the jammer, but I have the womens leg-skin and I love it. You should always order a size smaller for racing suits. Maybe that is why it was too big.

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