
Spell Casting, anyone knows how to?

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Hi, does anyone know how to cast spells? I am very interested. cheers




  1. yes...but i need to know what type of spell you want to cast..

  2. u need at least 5-10 years of experience and study under the observation of a real capable master, and dont anticipate such and such bolts and sparks to jump out of your hands it is nearly impossible, but it still can be done if u DEVOTE your life to metaphysics, and find the right way by studying hard, but is very hard, and really rare,

  3. You might have better success learning flycasting. And more fun, too.

  4. It always amazes me how you mention anything from what most consider "the norm" you get so many people's negativity.  Yes, many many people know how to cast spells.  Some people even call it praying!

  5. As a kahuna I use magick every day of my life!

    You can do powerful magick, and NEVER use a single spell.

    If you want to learn to do magick; check out the p**e me mana tag on my Yahoo 360 blog or my website

    Spells have only the power and energy YOU put into them.

  6. this might help

  7. Oh yes. I'm an expert spellcaster, learned all there is to magic at the finest institution--the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in England.

    If you want to do a few spells. Buy a plane ticket to England. Tap those stones on the wall that leads to Diagon Alley. Purchase your wand from a shop. Doesn't matter if you're a muggle. It's all a lie. Anyone can do magic! (Though for muggles, you have to activate your inner magic by swinging cow intestines over your head on a full moon, making sure to splatter the blood all over the walls and furniture of your home and then ingest an infusion of hyssop.)

    Anyways, after you have your wand, try a few spells. Might I suggest Lumos to create pretty lights. Try Avada kedavra on yourself if you're daring. The results will surprise you.

    And for more spells, read J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series. The seventh and last book is coming out this July. Have fun spellcasting!

  8. What besides television, the movies or books would lead you to believe that this is something that can be done?

    mind you I am not saying it is impossible just that I am curious as to where your desire is driving from.

    I personally have never see or heard of anyone who could perform such a thing. I do know that those that dabble in the black arts / witchcraft talk about such things and perhaps those people would give you better insight on your quest.

    You may find this is the folklore category.

    Good luck

  9. go to, and open the magic book icon.  if you have the right runes, a butten will be lit.  click it, and you can cast the spell.  happy maging!

  10. How anyone in the year 2007 believes "spells" are real.It's a great mystery to me.You need to find more realistic interests.

  11. If you ever find out how to do this reliably, let James Randi know -- he'll give you a million dollars.

    Seriously, this is the 21st century. Educated people grew out if believing in spells hundreds of years ago.

  12. I dont know, but let me know if you find out!

  13. Yes.  There are several books on the subject to get you started.    If you want, email me through Answers, or better, through my 360 page.  Also, you'll get much better answers posting questions like this in the Mythology & Folklore section -- this section is pretty skeptical.

  14. there are many types of spellcasters, you are not going to be able to learn anything like that so quickly by just asking a question on here

  15. Yes, just tell the dungeon master what level of the spell you are capable of casting and if you have any + intelligent items on your person.

    Then he rolls some dice to determine if the spell works and how effective it is.

  16. I am surprised at the arrogance, denial and negativity that you have unearthed with your question.  Spell Casting is a form of ritualistic prayer.  It does not take years to learn.  It is not a plaything or a game.  It is a part of a beautiful spiritual path that guides and betters its followers.  There is great power but not so much in a flashy manner as magicians display.  It is more like positive thinking or self fulfilling prophecies. There is great potential to effect improvement in one's life.  I recommend you read Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner, by Scott Cunningham.  He is a great teacher.  You will not be disappointed in his work.

  17. Any way you do it will have the same effect - that is to say, no effect whatsoever.  Not every fantasy can come real.  You can't really do magic.

  18. Timing is everything.  If I get the timing right, I can gesture with my left hand and make red traffic lights turn green.  If my timing is off, it doesn't work.

  19. I know this, God hates these people that cast spells and they will go to h**l for doing it.

  20. yes, i do know how to cast.

  21. If you're really interested in reciting words and watching things happen like magic start taking some classes in programming and computer science.  You'll learn how to issue commands to your computer to do all sorts of neat things like generate pretty graphics, play music etc.

    Otherwise you can stand there waving your hands in the air and babbling drivel to your hearts content.  But nothing will happen.

  22. You can't "cast spells", that's the stuff of fantasy.

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