
Spell to become a mermaid please!?

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I have searched many times on yahoo, and I would like it if poeple told ME directly. Would you please tell me all the possible spells to become a mermaid. me and my friend tried it. Lets hope it works!




  1. Guest59332


     make up ur own during a full moon make sure to include something about becoming moonstruck the mermaids granting ur wish like that


  2.  well get a class of salt water and drink it for a week hen there you go!

  3. u have s*x with a mermaid boy

  4. Recite:

    Glass of the sea shine upon me eye of the ocean grant me with fins MAKE ME A MERMAID! human no more away from the shore now i am finnaly free to ascape humanity

    repete 10 time must wear symbol WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T SAY WHILE DRY

  5. Try this:

    Insousiant inclemency,  Redoubtable mediocracy, Refutable humanity.

    Make me what I wish to be,  A MERMAID

    Witches one and witches all,  Give this power to me

    Say that 10 times

    Sources: A piece of jewlery you won't take off,   You have to be wet ( a wet face cloth will do).

    Ifthat doesn't work, make up uor own spell.

  6. how do i become a mermaid ive tryed everythuing and nothing has worked.

    help me please!

  7. Hi, I'm only 13 years old and becoming a mermaid is something I've always wanted. I've tried the well-known 'Insoucient spell' and it doesn't work and I don't advize anybody to try it, it's a hoax. I've also tried my own spell, also doesn't work. People keep saying that using your own spell will be more powerful and will work, but most likely many people have tried it, including myself, and ended up disapointed. So, most people think that becoming a mermaid is impossible, and lose their belief, obviously losing any possibilty of becoming a mermaid because belief is a BIG thing when wanting to become a mermaid, but I just wanted to let everyone know that ANYTHING is possible, you can become a mermaid if you just believe and have a workable spell. Many reasons why spells don't work is because people don't tell you the right tools to use, and when exactly you should do the spell. Like using candles, candles are really good when using a spell, but to really make the spell work, you need the right kind of candle. The best thing to do is to use a new candle, not just an old, used one because the power and vibrations will not be as strong or just won't be there. Also, you need to use the right color candle, like:

    RED- for Courage and Love

    PINK- for Friendship and Sweet Love.

    ORANGE- for Attraction and Encouragement.

    GOLD- for Financial Gain and Business Endeavors.

    YELLOW- for Persuasion and Protection.

    GREEN- for Fertility and Abundance.

    LIGHT BLUE- for Patience and Understanding.

    DARK BLUE- for Depression and Vulnerability.

    PURPLE- for Ambition and Power.

    BROWN- for Earth-Related and Animal-Related Workings

    BLACK- for Negativity and Banishment

    WHITE- for Purity and Truth

    SILVER- for Reflection, Intuition, and Lunar Connections

    So, if I had to choose a candle, I would probably go with either White, Silver, Purple, or Light Blue. Also, you need to do a spell at the right time, like the best times to do a spell are either during a new moon, to symbolize new beginnings, or during a full moon, for lunar connections and full power from the moon. It can also be ok if you do a spell when the moon is almost full or when you can barely see it, it just won't be as powerful, but it will still most likely work. So, here is a spell, and how you should go about it:

    1. Take a candle, either white, silver, purple, or light blue, light it, and place it safely on the rim of your bathtub.

    2. Fill up the bathtub with water and sprinkle salt around, while thinking strongly of your life as a mermaid (you don't have to think about your life as a mermaid while doing this. It just adds a little of yourself and strength and power to the spell)

    3. Put on a special necklace, bracelet, etc. that has sentimental value to you (that is dear or special to you) and it has to be jewelry that goes on your upper body, so you can wear it, even when you have your tail because you must NEVER take the piece of jewelry off or the spell will be broken.

    4. Turn on the water untill the bathtub is mostly filled, then gently step into the bathtub, facing the candle, and stay in a sitting position, with your legs straight out in front of you.

    5. Now here are 2 different spells/chants you can try and see which one works for you:

    Spell 1:

    (Places hand over the flame of the Candle) This is to feel

    (Places same hand in the bathtub water above your legs) This is to be

    Make me what I know is me

    A mermaid, and a tail the color of  ( )

    and the powers of  ( )

    this is what I seek

    to have a tail when wet, not two feet

    to have gills, not

    only strong lungs

    to stay in the water for 30 minutes long

    Just one week is all I shall wait

    To get my tail and powers and know my fate

    Rain will do nothing

    it will not change me

    only other water, shall I turn

    (Place hand over the flame of the Candle) This is to feel

    (Place same hand in the bathtub water just above your legs) This is to be

    I beg of thee, to make me what I know is me

    Spell 2.

    A human when dry

    a mermaid when wet

    and have the power of ( )

    and have the tail the color of ( )

    a human when dry

    a mermaid when wet

    gills are not needed

    just a big breath

    that lasts 30 minutes

    a human when dry

    a mermaid when wet

    I'll get my powers and tail in one week

    I'll get my tail one minute after being wet

    when wet a mermaid

    when dry a human

    the rain does not matter

    it cannot change me

    but a drop of any other water will

    After you have said one of these spells, lay down in the bathtub, completley submerging yourself in the water. Then come up after a few seconds, blow out the candle, and step out of the bathtub. Please give me feedback if either spell worked for you, and if any of my tips helped you with your spells and dreams of becoming a mermaid :) I'm alway's happy to help.

    Blessed Be.

  8. I have some spells:

    I have some spells:

    Spell 1.

    Mermaid when wet

    Human when dry

    I will have the power of ()

    And the tail color of ()

    Where i shall i have my gills on my ()

    Human when dry

    Mermaid when wet

    Spell 2.

    Before you do the spell you must:

    .Go into your bathroom

    . Light a candle

    .Fill the bath tub as high as you can

    .Go and find a special necklace put it on while reciting the spell never take it off EVER

    Once you have saying the spell eat something salty.

    If you eat something salty most of the time, the spell will work really quickly and also for the spell to work you need to believe you can achieve your goal which is to become a merman/mermaid. If you do not become a mermaid/merman in one week that means the spell is taking its time to work when you get the side effects that means the spell is working if you don’t get side affects straight away give it some time.

    Mermaid spell:

    "Mermaids and witches far and near please lend an ear.

    As you see i would like to be a mermaid with the sea forever be.

    Air was needed now no more.

    Gills are essential I wish to have the powers of ()

    And to have the tail colour of ()

    Mermaids and witches far and near

    Oh please do not fail me.

    In one week or later i shall be

    A mermaid forever be so mote it be!"


    What you need to do:

    Get a symbol special necklace you NEVER TAKE OFF

    Rise a Candle

    Sprinkle the bath with salt and have to be wearing symbol.

    THE SPELL: A human when dry,

    A mermaid when wet,

    And have a power of ()

    And have a tail the color of ()

    A human when dry,

    A mermaid when wet,

    Gills are not needed,

    Just a big breath,

    That lasts 30 minutes,

    A human when dry,

    A mermaid when wet,

    I’ll get my powers, and tail in 1 week,

    I’ll get my tail, one minute after being wet,

    When wet a mermaid, when dry, a human,

    The rain does not matter,

    It cannot change me,

    But a drop of any other water will.

    Side Effects: Legs changing to the colour you picked, Dizziness ,Headaches, Stomachaches ,peeling skin, Legs itching , tingly , saw feeling sick all the time Gills ( Most likely around neck or sides ) Legs wanting to stay Together / Crossed Constant Thirst Craving Salt Mood swings Wanting to touch / be in water mermaid Dreams / Visions Random Outbursts Symbol Changes color Rash Rely on water to make you happy Feel weak when touch water Hair decreases growth ( ex. takes a long time to grow hair back , shaved / cut / waxed )



    Hyrdo-Cryokinesis - The ability to freeze water. There is a disadvantage to this power because although water can be cooled down and frozen the mermaid with this power has no control of the waters movement. This power can be used to create ice, cool down hot objects or even lower bodily temperature. It can be combined with hydrokinesis to create an ice ball.

    Hydrokinesis - The ability to move water with your mind , as well as expanding it and moulding it into a variety of shapes. With this power a mermaid can create balls of water, blasts of water or even geysers strong enough to lift people off the ground. This power has the limited potential to control water in other forms such as condensing after molecules in the air or levitating ice.


    Say this 10 times while looking at the full moon:

    Moonlight magic come to me i want to be a mermaid so mote it be.

    You need a symbol. It could be a necklace a bracelet whatever. Whenever you touch water while your symbols on you’ll turn into a mermaid. Don’t wear your symbol if you don’t plan on going into water soon because it could have serious side effects.


  9. a human when dry a mermaid when wet the rain does not matter it cannot change me but a single drop of water will a human when dry a mermaid when wet and i have the power just like (what power you want) anf have a tail the coulor of (what coulor you want) a human when dry a mermaid when wet gill are not needed just a big breath that will last for 30 minutes a human when dry a mermaid when wet i will get my tail and powers in 1 week i will get me tail in 1 minute after being wet this is my wish a human when dry a mermaid when wet.


    do it when the room your in is dimm lighted

    do it in he bath tub

    imagia yourself as a mermaid and step into the water filled bath tub and sprinkel some salt in the tub

  10. a human when dry a mermaid when wet the rain does not matter it cannot change me but a single drop of water will a human when dry a mermaid when wet and i have the power just like (what power you want) anf have a tail the coulor of (what coulor you want) a human when dry a mermaid when wet gill are not needed just a big breath that will last for 30 minutes a human when dry a mermaid when wet i will get my tail and powers in 1 week i will get me tail in 1 minute after being wet this is my wish a human when dry a mermaid when wet.


    do it when the room your in is dimm lighted

    do it in he bath tub

    imagia yourself as a mermaid and step into the water filled bath tub and sprinkel some salt in the tub

  11.  Make up a spell! thats what I did tonight and I'm already feeling changes like my legs feel kinda weak and the are feeling kinda glued together I also am craving  salty stuff and I normally don't like salt that much! Just really believe with all your heart and if you make up a spell all your energy and belief will pour out in those words and the likely hood of it happening is stronger! also I went to to seal the spell

  12. Listen all, I tried insoulient spell,does not work,believein ur self speak the spell from your heart think of the tail u want but don't be greedy.remember depending on how much you want it ,depends on how fast u get it!!!

  13. i relly need a  spell so plsssss tell me a spell i relly want t be one soooooooo bad

  14. that isuent spell is a load of rubbish it dont work!!! are there other spells dat work thow??

  15. by the way, the spell from Guest15140988 DOES NOT WORK.

    i tryed it yesterday







    it worked for me!!!!!!!! the power of 8!

  18. Make up ur own spell because the energy inside u is strongest

  19. me as a 10 year old girl........i never turned into a mermaid i wish i could but i dont think you can

  20. please som1 tell me how 2 become a mermaid i soo want 2 be one ill do anything

  21. i want to become a mermaid to and typicly i never did but if you are a ten year old like me do not give up

  22. i need a spell badly

  23. I now spell i have became one her it goes the i blong lt the star go by i need tail and the power of sea  so i can swim free

  24. im A MERMAID yyyaaayyy omg omg OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG MY TAIL IS PURPAL and my powers are fire and freezing water it is sooooo cool i cant bealeve im a mermaid OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG IT IS SOOOOO COOOOLLL i am going over the top now arnt i its just that im a mermaid it is SOOOOOOO CCOOLL

  25. well i have one that i think could work. make sure u are in the bath. must be a bath not shower. the lock the door. say this once: water of nature unto me,water of nature let the earth come to me,water of nature sea creatures and i,will never leave until i resign, oh great oceans, oh great seas, answer my want,answer my need,make me a mermaid.        ok now u need to touch the water in the tub. and there u go. i dont konw if it will work but im crazy to be a mermaid too.

  26. heres a spell that is in the process of working for me but first you have to read these directions:1.say this in a bath or in the shower
    2.make sure your wearing a piece of jewlery that means something to you and it has to be on your upper bodie. 3.say it ten times and you have to believe.know heres the spell:
    insouciant, inclemency
    redoutable, mediocracy
    refutabe, humanity
    make me what i wish to be
    a mermaid, witches one witches all give this power to me.

  27. my best advice is to create your own spell it works too but it has to be completely from scrach because the more you it represents the more powerful it will be

  28. i can't turn into mermaid at all
    i need a mermaid spell badly

  29. please anybody if anybody knows a spells

  30. i can't turn into mermaid at all

  31. Hi i am a girl and i am 10 years old and i am a mermaid my tail color is aqua and i have 2 powers thay are frezzing water and moulding water into any shape.

  32. theres no way to be a mermaid i tried its not possible

  33. I'd say make your own spell but i'd say use yellow candles for appearance, light pink candles for self love and put a bowl of water in your altar and face towards west. best time to do this would probally be during the new moon because one thing it symbolizes is new beginnings try it and let me know how it works i have never tried a spells like this. so i wouldn't know any chants to go with it.

  34. first, go to the beach on holloween or on a full moon and get under the light of the moon.Then say this : let me be what i want to be,from sea to shining sea,a mermaid.  Say that three times and wait mybe a week.:)   (can`t guarentee it will work.)

  35. quiereo ser una sirena

  36. I wish i could help im trying to be one myself. haven't had any luck though

  37. well i really really shouldnt tell you this but this is your dream so make your own spell then put on a neclace NEVER EVER TAKE IT OFF then your sideeffects will be:

    constanly wanting water
    legs will want to collapse
    will want to swim
    legs will be itchy
    stomach feeling yucky
    head akes
    having to go to the washroom alot!
    in any spells these sideeffects can happen when you make your own spells there stronger and for people who say theres no such thing!@$#$#$%@!@$# you!

  38. just make your own spell it is most powerful

  39. i think u can become one if u trust in ur self love mermaids for ever llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooolllllllllllllllllllllllllll

  40. Well I made my own that only takes a week and you get to choose a power & tail color and also if ur a girl normally you can't shave/wax ur legs but woth mine you can and It won't work for anyone else. My peice of advice...make up ur own and surely it will work cuz it's commig from inside you and your energy will be really strong. BTW I'm only 12.

  41. i think that mermaids are real and anything is possible if you believe in yourself you will be able to find some way to answer your wishes. x but dont listen to negative comments that ruin your dream if you believe thats all that matters.

  42. *sighhhhh* i REALLY want to become a mermaid, but, im afraid that my parents will find out, and even if the spell DOES work, what if it is beytraying god? im still ddepending on whether or not i should do it. btw, im only ten and you gotta admit u kinda HAVE to expect this sort of stuff from kid my age right?*another sighhhhhh*

  43. i need a mermade spells for my famly were going to run away

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