
Spellcaster deck RE 1/10???

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MONSTERS: (SOME ARE BANNED) i dont enter tourneys

Magician of black chaos

Dark magician x 2

Injection fairy lily

Dark eradicator warlock

Chaos command magician

Chaos sorceror

old vindictive magician x 2

Breaker the magical warrior

Kycoo x 2

Magician of faith x 2

Apprentice magician

Skilled dark magician

Witch of the black forest

Mystic tomato

Card ejector

Mystical elf

Lord of d


shadow spell

gift of mystical elf

spellbinding circle

Sakuretsu armor x 2

Trap hole

bottomless trap hole

Magic cylinder


Monster reborn x 2

hammer shot

Premature burial


lightning vortex

Dark magic attack

Magical dimension x 2

Black magic ritual

Spell reproduction

Beaten decks:



Remove from play deck



premium deck (wich is a bunch of stuff from the pp) sucky deck





Exodia deck




  1. First of all, i'd replace that Magician of Black Chaos with a  Dark Magician of Chaos-- much more useful and way easier to get out.  I'd replace Gift of the Mystical Elf with Solemn Wishes.  Also, for a spellcaster deck, three Magician's Valkyria's form a great combo that can make you untouchable if you can get two out at the same time.  Lord of D. and Mystical Elf are kind of outdated, so I'd nix 'em.  Dark Magic Attack is a little too specific for my taste, but maybe that's just me.  Add a couple of Magician's Circles for easy summons, and maybe 2 more Skilled Darks.  i'd take out Dark Eradicator Warlock, too.  Add in a couple spells; I consider Lightning Vortex and Brain Control to be staples in any deck, along with Heavy Storm and Mystical Space Typhoon.  You might also consider adding a Spirit Reaper or Marshmallon as a barrier to your lifepoits.

    Hope that helps. ^_^

  2. sucks no offence

  3. well i have to say this isnt a very good deck.

    you can improve it, so dont give up hopes!


    for starters get rid of Magician of black chaos and black magic ritual. you are definately NOT going to draw both in a duel if you only have one of each.

    Dark eradicator warlock requires you to probably run 3 dark magicians, so add another DM. Injection fairy lady is a good card,but not very important, may decide on taking out.

    Apprentice is great for your MOFs and old vindictives, so fill 'er up to three apprentice.

    Take out card ejector, lord of d, and mystical elf (not important cards) take out mystical tomato and add sangan.

    More skilled darks would be good in this deck.


    take out shadow spelll, gift of mystical elf, trap hole, and spellbinding circle, and add another sakuretsu, a mirror force, and a torrential tribute. maybe add some solemn judgements if you can.


    you have an OK spells lineup, except for dark magic attack, Black magic ritual and Spell rep. take 'em out.

    add another magic dimensions(theyre ur friend)

    add more draw cards like pot of greed and graceful charity.

    hand destruction cards like delinquent duo, forceful sentry, confiscation all help in getting rid of that hated DAD or pieces of exodia.

    go on the web and search for better spellcaster decks. im sure ull come up with plenty ideas.

    i hope this has helped.

  4. theres no question

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