
Spelling and pronunciation of names help??

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o.k i like the name Lee-anna

how do i spell it is it

leanna or leeanna

i prefer leanna

also do you like the name Leanna?

i am not pregnant just wondering





  1. well you can spell it lots of different ways. Leeanna, LeeAnna, LeAna, Leana, Leeana, LeeAna, Leianna...

    But I really like the spelling Leighana. =D

    And I think Leighana Faith or Leighana Brooke is really really really pretty don't you?

  2. Leanna, Leana, Lianna, Liana

  3. Not with 2 e's- that looks weird to me.

    I've also seen it spelled Liana.  I like Leanna best.

  4. I think it could be spelled either way. I really like Katrinaaa's suggestion Lianna. Thats a really cute way to spell it. It could be pronounced Lee-ann-uh or Lee-ah-nuh. Good luck! :o)

  5. I grew up with a girl name Leanne (lee-ann), so I would spell lee-anna as Leanna.

  6. leanna but i dont really like it

  7. Leanna is how it's spelled. It's a beautiful name, by the way. Liana is Lee-onna, not Lee-anna.

  8. I would spell it Leanna.  Leeanna is too many vowels.  It is a pretty name.

  9. Leanna is the best way.  Leeanna looks kind of low class.  I like the name though.

  10. OMG that is my favorite name and i am gonna to name my daughter that! and I spell it Leanna!! LOVE LEANNA!!!!  

  11. My friend's name is that she spells it L-e-a-u-n-a.  I like the name!

    I hope that helps!!:)


  12. I know someone who spells her name Leana. I think it's the prettiest version of the name :)

  13. It it was me then I would spell it LeAnna

    I've always thought it was cute having the L and A capitolized.

    And yes it's very cute!

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