
Spelling help please?

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I'm a really bad speller. My new major issues is i always mix of are and our. Can you explain when you use each. Also i'm bad with the ending of words. Like if it ends in el or le. Any help please!!!!




  1. Hmm.

    If it helps, there aren't as many words which end in 'el' as words which end in 'le'.

    If you think about all the words you know which end in the 'uhll' sound, it will probably be spelt as 'le', such as 'Handle', ' Nimble, ' Womble', 'Paddle'.

    Now,  if you think of the 'ell' sound, it will probably be spelt as 'el', for example - 'Howel', 'Trowel'. There are comparatively few words that end with 'el'!, The only way you are going to master it is by learning it unfortunately, practice makes perfect :).

    Now, as for 'our' and 'are'.

    The word 'are' is a form of the verb 'to be' - I am

                                                                              you ARE

                                                                              he/she is

                                                                              we ARE

                                                                              they ARE

    Used in sentences it DESCRIBES a characteristic, action, feeling or general being of a person. Such as, ' You are French', ' We are happy', 'They are students'.

    'Our', on the other hand, is to indicate POSSESSION of something.  If something is 'ours', it belongs to us.

    So, 'our dog', the dog belongs to us. 'Our friends', really, the friends who belong to us.

    So if you just think of 'are' as DESCRIBING, and 'our' as POSSESSION, you shouldn't go wrong :)

    Maybe if you're having many problems with spelling you should consider that you might be slightly dyslexic in that area? My friend recently found out that she is and it hasn't affected her in a negative way at all. She now gets her extra time in examinations and things like that, and she gets lots of support through college and stuff :) it's worth checking out, even if you're not dyslexic, it can help you find out which bits you need help with the most.

    Good luck


  2. I'm not sure how to explain words that end in "le" versus "el," but i'll try my best to explain the difference between Are and Our.

    Okay... Our is usually used when you are trying to show that an object belongs to multiple people. For example: This is OUR house. In other words, you are saying that the house belongs to you and the rest of your family.

    Are is a form of the verb be. Are does not show actionl, but tells what someone or something is or is like. For Example: My friends ARE nice. In other words, you are telling what your friends are like (they are nice).

  3. "are "is a derivation of a verb ►to be.(They are pretty)

    "our" is the possessive adjective of the first person in plural►we.(We have a cat.This is our cat)

  4. hmm, it's not spelling, it's grammar

    the best way to overcome the problem = plenty of exercises
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