
Spells ....?

by  |  earlier

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hey i just cast a truth spell, and its working! i talked to a person who usually tells lies all the time and things that she would usually lie about, she didn't, she even said she was jelous of me. im just wondering how long the truth spell lasts.




  1. I would guess any where from a coupple of days to a week.

  2. it depends. sum spells last 20 min and sum last a lifetime. message me telling me the spell and i'll probs b able 2 giv u an approximate # of days

  3. Honesty?

    The truth of the matter was your intention. The spell actually empowered you not your friend.

    Your intention was to seek the truth and you put your energy into that in a positive way.

    When we put our energy into anything with true intention we receive positive results.

    In order for your friend to 'open up' in a way that you didn't expect you had to change an aspect of your behavior. You gave her the opportunity to express herself honestly without fear of recrimination.

    As long as you can embrace the positive influence that you instilled within yourself people will subliminally pick up on this and feel comfortable being honest with you.

    Through sincerity and kindness we see the truth in everyone.

  4. my guess is less than a week or as long as a week.
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