
Spells to become a mermaid please don't judge?

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mmmmmmmmmmmk.... so my friend(and yes i seriously DO mean a friend) wants to try a spell to turn herself into a mermaid, so i agreed to do it with her even though im a little spectical. a few questions...what spell should i use, we're both catholic so is doing this like anti-christ, and if you've done one and i really worked, please give me every detail you can. don't judge us if your just going to say something stupid and not helpful, please don bother




  1. Are you serious? This isn't the disney channel. It won't work.

  2. "ps i don't know if it matters but we're 13"  

    You didn't have to say that.  A lot of young girls in the 11 to 13 age group are asking the question "How do I become a Mermaid?" right now.  There aren't any adults asking that one.

    Mermaids are fiction, fantasy.  Mako Island doesn't exist.  Mermaids don't exist, except as stories.  You can cast all the "spells" you want, but no one will become a mermaid, as result.


  3. You have the rest of your life before you... And to be honest spells are not the way to go for they always seem to back-fire on the person that uses those spell... And I feel that you should really read up on what a mermaid really is and if you do you will be happy to be a human and be able enjoy your movies and stories about mermaids..... We like you the way you are and your smile that you will see in the mirror will help you forget about ever becoming a mermaid... And did you know that mermaids really can't smile... Because they have bad teeth and a very ugly nose .......

  4. here, this works, i tried it:

    and why dont people listen when you say things like 'serious answers only' or 'dont judge'?

  5. you cant become a mermaid its not possible with that imagination you would be a good auther maybe you and your friend should write childrens books

  6. Mrtwondo is absolutely right. Do you know why young girls are the only one's asking to become a mermaid? Because everyone else has the common sense to know mermaids are fake. And besides, in the Catholic religion, doing magic is a sin.

  7. You're a little spectical?  If you keep up with this mermaid nonsense at some point you'll become a big spectacle.

  8. *Judges*

    Haha. can't become a mermaid through a spell because

    A.) Half fish, half people DO NOT exist.

    B.) You can't say a spell to become anything. And if you could, why would you become a mermaid? LAME! And overrated. Be creative. Become a cricket. They're good. I hear they have consciences.

    Best of luck.

  9. Be careful, my sister tried this spell and it backfired. Now she has the head and body of a fish and legs of a human. We keep her in the swimming pool and feed her live fish now.

  10. transformation spell got burned buy the catholics during the eurpion witch hunts and book burning days  

  11. Why don't you explore the philosophy and history behind magick (spelled with a "k" nowadays to differentiate itself from stage magic) itself first before doing any silly spells:

    You need a firm grounding in what it actually is before you perform any act.

    I hate to break it to you, but Catholic catechism forbids any use of magick or divination, despite the fact that many Catholics of the past were alchemists, who delved into what would now be considered "magick."

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