
Spencer's Gifts?

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I love going into the store Spencer's Gifts. But, every time I have been in there my mom has been with me. Me and my friends are going to the mall this weekend without my mom and we want to go in. Do we have to be accompanied by an adult to enter the store?




  1. no! anyone has the freedom to walk into a store - it's part of the mall so yeah.

  2. Depends on how old you are- but 13 and up should be fine alone.

  3. I don't think you will have a problem as long as you act mature. However, they do have a section where I believe you have to be 18 years or older and if you are looking a little under the age, they will tell you not to be in that particular section.

  4. Not if you're well behaved.


    This wasn't a stupid question at all!

    Just be sure that you all are acting responsibly and you won't have any problem with sales clerks.

    Nothing in Spencers or any other mall store is off limits because they sell novelties and not hard-core erotica that requires an age limit.

    Happy birthday to you, and have fun!

  5. plain and simple: Nope.

  6. I don't know, it doesn't have any signs that say you have to be 18.  I remember there used to be a similar store called The It Store and they had a special section in the back that was for people 18+.

  7. No you dont. Its a store just like any other. Sure they sell d****s, but I've seen little kids in there before. Just don't look like you're shoplifting lol and smile at the cashier.

  8. that  is adult store go only with your parents into the store

  9. nope

  10. Hahahaha no!

    Of course you don't.

    That's funny.

  11. They will call your mother and let her know that you are there.

  12. not that i'm aware of... just be cool and don't goof off or act immature, and they should have no problem with it.

  13. No

  14. haha no

    just walk in

  15. no, you can go into spencer's by yourself but some malls do have laws about teenagers being accompanied by an adult after a certain time.
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