
Sperm Analysis HELP!?

by Guest60161  |  earlier

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I just received the results for my husband's sperm analysis. I'm sorta confused... they said he had a level of 1cc of fluid. The motility was great, the swimmers are fine, and the count is 50.9 million. Can someone explain the 1cc? I know the ammount should be between 2-5cc. Does that mean that he doesn't have enough liquid for the sperm to fertilize or reach the egg? I'm so confused!




  1. Your husband may have been embarrassed or anxious when he gave his sample, so the volume wasn't as great.  The fertility has to do with the number of sperms reaching the egg, so they can mount their mass attack.  If they are swimming and moving just fine, there should not be a problem.  If he normally has a low s***n volume, it could be less sperm reach your egg, and that could be remedied by storing samples of his s***n and adding them along with regular intercourse.  But again, the low  volume may just be used to the circumstances of producing the sample.  Why don't you ask the health clinic for help interpreting the results?  That's part of their job.

  2. It may because your husband may have ejaculated some time before the test and not enough sperm was produced in the time for the test.  If you have s*x and ejaculated 2 cc of fluid, 10 minutes later say you come again, it probably won't be the same amount of fluid.  Probably 1 or less.  The body has not had enough time to produce more sperm.  
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