
Sperm Running out of v****a?

by  |  earlier

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Right after i finished my sperm just ran out of her. We hadn't done it in a few days. She told me this may be a sign of pregnancy but i am not so sure i think it is not. Please help me is this a sign of pregnancy or is it just a fluke?




  1. um thats a really weird thing to assume! if you *** in her the sperm will leak out right away anyways. especially if she sits or stands up. it has nothing to do with being pregnant at all

  2. Its natural for leakage to occur. If you are actively trying to conceive, prop pillows up under her hips. I actually turn around and lean my legs on the wall to let gravity do its job and send everything closer to my cervix. IT also gives my husband and chance to chit chat afterwards or for me to read my book. i usually stay like that for about an hour. Ive had a coupld of unsuccessful pregnancies, so that could definately be what is helping.  

  3. Most women notice some discharge immediately after s*x and some think it's the cause of infertility. The fluid coming out of the v****a after his o****m is a portion of the ejaculate. But less than 5% of the ejaculate is actually sperm -- over 95% is made up of other fluids. Leakage of the ejaculate from the v****a is highly unlikely to prevent you from getting pregnant. In fact, it's totally normal for some of the ejaculate to come out of your v****a after intercourse. If he ejaculates deeply inside you, then you can be sure that no matter how much of the ejaculate leaks out afterward, enough sperm will reach the cervical mucus. If you stay on your back for the suggested 15-20 minutes after intercourse, hips slightly elevated, this leakage of the ejaculate is usually not a cause of infertility. It is probably a good sign that some ejaculate leaks out because it may mean that he is depositing his s***n normally in your v****a and that there is enough of it.

  4. Its very natural for sperm to run out after intercourse...If you and your partner are trying to consieve dont worry about it, it happens to most people...When a man ejaculates theres soooo many thousands and thousands of tiny sperm and it only take 1 to get her pregnant!!

    Good Luck!!

  5. i can tell you, its definitely NOT a sign of pregnancy. its normal to have some leakage but i have the same problem with it coming out and i have been trying to get pregnant for a good year and a half. if anything with me, i need the stuff to stay in! but dont look at that as a good thing like she wont get pregnant. if you arent ready for a baby, wear a condom!

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