
Sperm sample??????????

by  |  earlier

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so if his sample comes back all clear,what does that mean for me? iv had hormone and blood test done and there all fine.

Does anyone know what they will do next? or had the same experience? where both 28 fit and healthy.




  1. you might need some more tests such as a hsg - to check your tubes

    if nothings found i'd personally suggest that you ask for a lapscropsy to have a 'proper' look for any other problems

    if everything looks 'normal' then you might go into the unexplained catergy, where are no ovoius reasons why it isn't happening

    good luck xx

  2. I'm in the same situation; I'm 38 but my hormone levels are like an 18-year-old, which all sounds great, but after 22 cycles of TTC, still no baby! Anyway, my RE is going to do an HSG next, which is also called a 'dye test' where they inject dye through the hole in your cervix when it's open (shortly before ovulation) and see if your tubes are blocked. That's a normal first place to start, and if there's no blockage, it's normally followed by a few months of Clomid to try and stimulate your ovaries a bit. The HSG only takes a few minutes and it's only uncomfortable for most people, but do take a painkiller a few hours before you go. They'll probably give you an antibiotic too.

  3. After we did all the blood testing on my - FSH, Thyroid, progesterone etc . . . and DH had his s***n analysis, they sent me to get an HSG test where they check the tubes for blockage.   All of our tests came out normal and we had the dreaded diagnosis of "unexplained infertility".

    As we had been trying for a year and a half before being referred to the fertility clinic, our doctor moved onto Clomid and IUI treatments.

    Good luck and baby dust!
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