
Sperm travel and the fallopian tube.

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This may be a weird question, however I need help. DH and I BD last night and I didn't get up till this morning, when I went to the bathroom (pee) none of his sperm came out, so I figured it stayed in (which is great thing) well then once I got to work and went to the bathroom the second time, it looked like (when I wiped) all his sperm came out...How does sperm travel? Does it travel through the fallopian tubes? Could I have a blockage and that is why his sperm is coming back at? PLEASE HELP!!!




  1. All the sperm doesnt need to stay in.

    You just need one sperm! It coming back out is very normal.

  2. what comes back out is s***n and dead sperm.  All the other sperm makes it through the cervix up through the uterus and meets the egg in the fallopian tube.  What you saw this morning is normal.  

  3. Ok there are thousands of simmers but only a few are strong enough to make the swim! SO the rest die and some back out!

  4. You're fine! The stuff that finally came out is 'empty s***n'; that is, the viable sperm had already worked their way up through the cervix and into the tubes. In this case, the s***n simply hung around longer than you had expected and gravity finally got the better of it. There's no way it would come back out the cervix.

    If you're around ovulation time, the cervical mucus grabs onto the sperm and slowly sends it up through the cervix into the tubes, nourishing it all the way. So what you saw was the 'bad' sperm and left-over carrier liquid, that's all. Bear in mind that each ejaculate has around 100 million sperm. Yup - that's a LOT and it only takes ONE to do the deed :)

  5. Your fine :) Like everyone else has said it only takes one sperm to concieve. I'm asuming your in the same situation as me, I started ovulating yesterday as well and my husband and I BD'd also. Now its just the 2 week wait to see if the little swimmers made it. Its really such a long wait, and I CAN'T ever take my mind off of it. If you would like to have an email buddy for the next two weeks let me know..We could share the "i think i'm pregnant" symptoms..which i literally do every month. Good luck!  

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