
Spider Question?

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I have found this spider. He is brown and hairy. We captured him in a jar until we can figure out what he is, and now he is spinning a web, so I am guessing he is not a wolf spider. His body is about the size of a penny and with legs a quarter size. He also has black thin lines on his back and black tipped legs. What is he?




  1. hobo spider, dont let it bite you they deliver nasty bites similar(though not near as bad) to brown recluse

    they are venomous, is this it?

  2. Its a scary spider






    scaaaaaaare me!

    i got a thumbs down..

    YAY ME!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Might be an immature tarantula, or more likely a trap-door spider.  They're related, actually.

    I say let him/her go.  No harm to humans and eats things we don't like. sounds like a friend to me.

    EDIT:  It's not a brown recluse... those are smaller and not hairy.  Cheese and rice what a bunch of scaredy-cats.

  4. I'm not sure what you have found, but look at the attached photo.  If it is a brown recluse, kill it.  

    What you describe does not sound like a recluse, but please do see the photo to be certain.

  5. if hes hairy could be transcula but i wish you'd had picture that would help. sounds like big spider.


    i think this site will help

  7. He's a spider!

  8. a harmless small household spider as long it does not have a redback

  9. A pretty cool spider that i wish i could see.LOL

  10. brown recluse or monkey spider i live in utah tooo if it bites you your skin could start falling off you better keep it away from kids if you have any around so google those images and see if thats it

  11. try this site.

  12. typical garden spider harmless...........tom

  13. like this Garden spider?

  14. Possibly a Bark Crab Spider, but I'm not too sure. Check it out and see if it is though.

  15. It's Charlotte.

  16. Well, we can assume he is not poisonous.  There are only two poisonous spiders in the United States and those are the Black Widow (black with the red hourglass--not hairy) and the Brown recluse spider (or 'fiddleback spider') which is not hairy and has a pattern on the back that looks like a violin.  There are thousands of spiders that are nonpoisonous and hundreds that are brown and hairy that spin webs. You could send a picture of it to a university's biology department near you for a certain identification.

  17. could be a brown recluse..and there are brown widows....i dont know if they are in utah or not but we have them all over the outside of our house in south georgia..if the web isnt clearly defined like charlottes but a mess of lines going every which way..its more than likely a poisonous spider it helps them trap insects better than a traditional web
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