
Spider bite. Serious or not? Should I go to the ER?

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Yesterday, I got bit 2 inches 'bove my ankle. 2 mini scabs appeared but closed within a minute of the biting. [[This happen in the grass]] As soon as I got bit, a bad sting happened. Which it came to, where I couldn't walk on it for a while. 5 hrs later, my lower leg, ankle and foot became swollen. My toes began to numb and tingle last night.Where it came to the point of it burning, and not letting them stay straight. My ankle has alot of pain. It feels like I have a sprained ankle. I still have this burning sensation and my ankle and lower leg is still a bit swollen. And still bad pain. And very sensitive to touch. I don't know what I should do. Oh yeah, and a couple of hours ago, it just began to itch. Im fighting the urge tho. I do have a bit crampiness. . but I don't think its something to worry about.




  1. Go to the emergency department asap! Pain, numbness, swelling- better to be safe then sorry,

  2. You probably should at least make an appointment with your family doctor.  A friend of ours was bitten by a spider not too long ago on her leg it didn't seem all that serious except she was in pain and she had some redness and swelling and the redness was spreading up her leg.  She ended up spending four days in the hospital and could have lost her foot as a result of the bite.  Better to be safe than lose a limb I suppose.

  3. I'd suggest paying a visit to your primary care physician.  If you're in a lot of pain, however, I'd go to the ER.  Hope you're leg is feeling better.

  4. are you sure this is a spider bite? they usually get red arond the spot then a white dot is in it and after awhile your meat in that area will start to rott out you have to have that area cut out so it doesn't spread. are you sure you were'nt bit by something else you may need to go on and have that checked out just incase it was something else you may be allergric to or even if it's a spider bit you could loose a chuck of meat better to be safe than sorry good luck

  5. Are you sure it was a spider? Could it be a snake or scorpion? You should see a doctor. Don't take any chances

  6. I'm no expert just a high school student... that sounds pretty bad i would go if i were you.. i would risk taking any chances..

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