
Spider in my room, will it be away tomorrow morning?

by  |  earlier

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About five minuted ago I was lying in bed when I saw one of the spiders where they're sort of big but they have like tiny ball shaped bodies and big stringy thin legs so I screamed and shouted for my mum, she came up and couldn't find it, do you think since now it's about 20 past 10 that if in 3 in the morning when I go to bed it will be gone and I can sleep in my room or that I should sleep in the guest room?

When I check should I bring my cat with me so my cat will eat it if it See's it?

I didn't know what category to put this in.




  1. Spiders for the most part avoid humans. They know we're too big to eat. The only other reason for them to bite you is self defense. So just leave it alone, and it will leave you alone, maybe !!!   lol

  2. It will probably crawl up your nose while you're sleeping.

  3. Unless you kill it, it will still be there. A good way to kill it is to sleep with you mouth open. It will crawl in your mouth at night and die and you won't feel a thing.

  4. Please tell me you're not talking about a DaddyLongleg spider.

    Anyhow, the only way to be sure its gone is if you killed it. Chances are that if you saw one spider you have multiple spiders hiding.

    Don't listen to people that say you'll end up eating it, I'm sure a spider wouldn't be stupid enough to crawl into a small dark wet mouth, they like to be able to breath and they can't breath in your mouth.  

  5. Unless you can thoroughly search the room I'd sleep in the guest room.  I doubt the spider will leave on its own.  If your cat likes to eat spiders, by all means leave it in there or have it help you look.  Keep spiders away by knocking down any webs you see.  Use a broom to get into all corners and wall/ceiling joints.

  6. well if it dosent leave ul probably eat it in ur sleep....the average person eats a jar full of spiders in their y not add one more?;...

  7. Be cool, it does not harm you any more.

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