
Spider running across my foot, should I be alarmed?

by Guest61718  |  earlier

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I had an encounter with a spider that had the unnerving tendency to run across my foot, and it even tried to crawl up my leg twice. Intitially I brushed this aside as the chills, or just in my head, but on the third or fourth time I looked down and saw a little spider. The thing wa brown, had a skinny cephalothorax, was dark brown or black (hard to tell) and had noticeable fangs that had some kind of sacs or pouches at the ends of them.

Should I be at all worried?




  1. Only if it's a Brown Recluse then you'd be in big trouble.The spider is light brown to dark tan with a mark.When it bites it kills the cells of a humans skin and spreads.Black Widow is shiny black with a red hourglass underneath its body. Thoes two spiders are the ones you would worry about.Your little fella may be just a harmless guy passin' through looking for a home.

  2. errr i would not take any chances to be honest if theres fangs and pouches that cant be a good sign...why would you want a spider running up your leg in the first place ??? kinda freaky

  3. It's Probably A Yellow Sac Spider, Or A Brown Recluse Spider. Neither Of them Are Poisonous, But They Both Penetrate The skin Quite Easily (And Painfully) The Yellow Sac Spider Is The Cause Of Most Spider Bites.

    If You Get Bitten, It Will Hurt, Then Itch, For About 72 Hours. After About 2 Weeks, The Wound Will Heal.

    If Its A Brown Recluse Spider However, Be Very Careful. Symptoms Can Range From Nothing To Kidney Failure, Or Even Death.

    Regardless Of The Spider, Go See A Doctor If Yoh Get Bitten.

    Just Put The Spider Outside :)

  4. Know your spiders here -

  5. KDM1594 is misinformed. The brown recluse spider is very poisonous. Its' bite causes the skin surrounding the site, to deteriorate at the cellular level, leaving pustules, degradation to the muscle tissue, and deep infections. In most cases, they are EXTREMELY dangerous. Children, the elderly, and certain persons with medical conditions, can actually die from the brown recluse spiders' bite.

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