I never used to have spider veins but now I have them all up and down my arms, over my thighs and on my legs and stomach. And I can literally feel them when they appear.
One time I felt this sharp stinging on my shoulder and I thought it was like a mosquito but there was no bug. Instead, there was a spider vein but at the time, I thought that maybe that was always there. But then I noticed I had more spider veins all over my body and I started to panic.
Then I got that sharp stinging in other parts of my skin too, at least 5 times and each time, a new spider vein would appear.
I am working out, losing weight, eating lots of fiber and water. This is really freaking me out and I hate that I now have all these horrible veins all over me. Why is my skin doing this? What am I doing to make this happen??