
Spider won't take food?

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so i've caught a house spider i'm not sure what kind but it's pretty big. i had it for about a week and didn't feed it anything but it's still alive. until today i put in a small fly (still alive) but kinda hurt from being smashed a little but the spider won't eat the fly? why is that? how long can it go without food?




  1. they can go a while without food. You need to make sure it has water. make sure the soil (from outside) inside the container is moist. The drink through their feet. Get some small crickets from petsmart. If the crickets are too big then get some tiny mealworms. I raised my tarantula from the size of a dime to now 6 inches big. He is a big boy but he will die soon because he is a a mature adult. Now be careful with your spider. All spiders are poisionous just some more than others. You want to watch out for brown recluse they are mistaken as house spiders.

    Here is a spider guide

    Look at these pictures from brown reclude bites.

  2. has it built a web

    is where your keeping it big enough

    a small spider wont eat it would wrap it in web and suck its blood

    id kill but hey that's arachnophobia for you

  3. Make sure you keep it in something pretty big. It could just be stressed. Also put a cotton ball with water on it so it can drink. Buy some crickets or meal worms at the pet store. He'll eventually eat!

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