
Spiderman 3, blu-ray vs standard dvd?

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hi ive got a ps3 and i have spiderman 3 on blu-ray and also on standard dvd, im also running my system at 1080i....ive watched the blu ray film and it is slightly better than normal dvd played through the ps3, but personaly i dont think the actual film is better quality by much, it is also still very bitty on blu-ray......................But when i play the second cd and go through the making of etc. the picture is as good as perfect........why is this... is it because its an old film and hasnt realy been upgraded....... hope this all makes sence.......i have only got spiderman as well so i cant comment on any other blu-ray film.....if you have any ideas about the blu-ray quality, and why this is, id appreciate it if you could shine some light on it for me..THANKYOU!!




  1. Honestly Blu-ray is a rip off, as long you have a dvd player with HD componants it's going to be just as good. Don't waste your money! Especially if you notice no difference.

  2. Ive checked on a 32inch LCD and a 120 inch hd projector flicking between high def and standard up scaling and to be honest its not worth the extra money spent.

    standard is a 8 out of ten

    high def is 9 and a half but does it really warrant paying the $$$$$$

    those that have it say its great yet those that dont can hardly tell

    i think a lot of it is like the story about the emperors new clothes(the one were he is naked but everyone says how great his clothes are

  3. well 1080i is the third best quality HD format. so that will not look much better than standard DVDs. try watching it in 1080P if your tv supports it

  4. Under optimum conditions Blu-ray can be great, but a number of things can make the image less than ideal, including:

    - a poor master for the movie (only a few Blu-ray films are rated as exemplary, and too many are little better than DVD quality)

    - watching too far from the screen to see the detail improvement (Blu-ray should be more detailed, but if you watch from "too far" away the improvement over DVD isn't as obvious. Note that the advertized 6x increase in resolution is actually more like 20-30% maximum). Similarly, a small screen reduces the ability to see improved resolution.

    - watching at less than 1080p. Unless the HDTV is actually 1080p ... i.e. 1920x1080 pixels, 1080i is actually downsampled to 720p (or whatever the vertical resolution of the display actually is .. often 768 pixels), which isn't nearly as big an improvement over 480 as 1080 is.

    - using an incorrect setting on the Blu-ray player (e,g, 1080i output may be less sharp than 720p)

    - using an inferior cable type (HDMI is best, Component can be as good, but may not be since it can be artificially limited to lower resolution. Composite or S-video won't pass an HD signal at all)

    As to why the extras would be better than the movie ... that's unusual since often the extras are presented at SD resolution not HD, and look worse. But occasionally they are done in HD video and can look as good (or if the movie is poor quality ... better than) the movie.  That's my guess in this case. Movies often look inferior to HD Video camera footage ... which is why stores often use HD video as demo material (or animation, which also looks great in HD ... but also in DVD)

    Hope that helps.

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