
Spiders, how to get rid of?

by Guest32236  |  earlier

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We get tons of spiders because our neighbor is not very clean and has tons of plants growing savagely...we get spiders as large as 2 or 3 inches at times....this week he has one of his walls demolished and his plants are gone (thanks Goodness) but now all the spiders are creeping around....Is is any way of putting something that they feel attracted to? I mean like...FOR EXAMPLE lets say they like sweet things...if i put a lolly pop, would all they go to it and leave my house entrance clear? Does anyone know something hat works like bait for spider?





  1. try the vines off of tomatoes put as many as you can find in corners window sills all around you will be surprised

  2. I've had my run-ins with spiders. I'll admit it, I was scared to death of spiders (and they still kinda creep me out). There's nothing worse than getting almost no sleep because a spider just ran across your cheek and tucked itself somewhere between the sheets--or maybe it was the pillow? And I know what a spider problem is after living in a tinderbox of a house/apartment, with almost no sealed entrances or insulation; our house was basically known by the neighborhood spiders as "the place to be" when the Fall weather started driving them indoors. So trust me when I tell you I know what a spider problem is. Here are some tips for how to keep spiders out of your home:

    Spiders love dirty rooms. If you leave clothes lying around or objects on the floor, it gives spiders a place to hide and more courage to migrate from one place to another in your home.

    Spiders get in windowsills and doorsills, so make sure the layers of windows are intact and sealed correctly. Doors are a good place to put a barrier treatment.

    Vacuum the area where you have found spiders. Make sure you get their egg sacs as well. The egg sacs look a lot like little cocoons, but they're usually fixed to a surface with a thick layer of webbing.

    Spiders hang out by food. Spiders are attracted to food supplies because of other pests who make their homes there. Besides, leaving food out is what slobs do. You're not a slob, are you?

    Spiders love porch lights. They love porch lights because other bugs love porch lighting. So, keep your porch lights off as much as possible, draw your blinds, and try to find a way to light your porch that doesn't involve fixing a light to it.

    Spider Traps, Repellents, and Poison

    There are spider sprays and spider repellents that you can use to keep spiders out. There are many vendors of pest repellents on the internet. Some are organic, others are not.

    Remember, spiders like to eat other bugs. So, if you spray for other pests, you'll diminish the spiders' food supply and make your home a less inviting place to find a meal.

    If you take these suggestions to heart, you might find less spiders crawling across your warm tummy on a cold Winter's night.

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