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i'm not scared of spiders

but i'm just wondering, do house spiders and garden spiders bite you? because i have this neighbour, who will wouch any spider or creature he sees, and he has never been bitten. could he get bitten?




  1. he probably hasn't been bitten as he is not trapping them in his hand he holds them loosely i imagine if they thought they couldn't escape they would bite,

    Not that I'm going to try that to see if its true lol

  2. They can bite you, and occasionally do.  It's neither painful nor dangerous to most people.

    (assuming u live somewhere in Europe)

  3. All spiders bite, but most can't break the skin.

    This one can though and if he gets bitten it will ruin his day :0)

  4. keep away from all creepy crawlies.......they may not all bite, but a lot can give you hives, rashes, allergic reactions, etc etc

  5. Yes. My Brother-in-Law was bitten by a large house spider whilst trying to remove it.

  6. tell him not to try it in Australia!

  7. no garden or house spiders will not bite you its physically impossible for them to do so there fangs simply arnt big enough to pierce the skin and anyway they do everything they can to avoid you try this if you see a spider crawling along put your finger down in its path and you will see that as it gets near it will sense your body heat and go the other way

  8. depends on where u live... brittish spiders fangs are too small and soft to be able to penitrate human skin, but with the changing climate in brittan i would start to be unsure of touching garden animals.
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