
Spike, thanx 4 ur reply do u kno how i can fix the problem.cheers?

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Spike, thanx 4 ur reply do u kno how i can fix the problem.cheers?




  1. Not sure what exactly you're asking for, but I'll give you a few tips for what helped me.

    - Learn the 3 step approach. First of all, watch the body motion of the setter and once the set is there, quickly judge and try to figure out the trajectory of the ball. Once you see it, take a slow, smaller, guiding step with your non-dominant towards where you think you're gonna hit it. Take a fast and larger step with your dominant leg and swing your arms back so you're behind the ball and you can get a good angle on the ball if you jump. Take a last step with your non-dominant leg so it's just right in front of your dominant leg. Swing your arms up and jump as high as you can without completely losing your balance. As you swing your arms up, put your non-dominant arm in a spot where you can time and guide your swing with your dominant arm at the ball and keep your dominant arm bent at the elbow behind your ear. Relax your entire arm and your wrist and swing hard and flick your wrist at the ball. So if you're right legged, you would keep your right leg in front before your approach, take a small, slow, left step, then a larger fast step just to reach a good spot behind the ball and swing your arms back, then a left step to just in front of your right foot. Right after, bend your legs and explode upwards and position your arms.

    If you want more power, think of trying to snap your wrist more, twist your waist more, arching your back backwards then tightening your abs more, adding some rotation in your shoulder, swinging your guiding arm back harder and using it as momentum for your swinging arm, bending your legs back and then kicking when you spike to generate power, and add more forward momentum to your approach.

    - If your timing is off, try to slow down a bit. During practices or for warm-up during games, if you're not getting your spikes at the right time, watch the ball for longer before you start your approach. Also, make your approach faster. This solves timing issues because it's less timing and more speed that's required. As you get the timing down, slowly start your approach off earlier and earlier.

    - Be aware of the angle of contact and power applied on the ball. If your setter screwed up a set or you screwed up your approach and the ball ends up behind you, you don't want to swing it as hard as you can. Here, you would want to swing with less power and emphasize the wrist snap and good placement to make sure the ball stays in the court. On the other hand, if you jump too much behind the ball and the ball is too much in front of you, trying to hit will either get yourself blocked or you'll hit the ball into the net, so go for a nicely placed tip.

    - Make your approach shorter and more explosive. The less motion involved in an action, the lower the margin of error will become. Having less time involved in your approach will allow for less predicted quick set 'n spikes as well as reduce errors that are because you are positioned incorrectly from the set ball.

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