
Spiking help?

by Guest56456  |  earlier

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I am in high school, and I am trying to improve my volleyball skills. I am very athletic. I jump very high, so getting the ball over the net is no problem. but when i hit the ball, i cant seem to hit it down enough, and goes too far. any advice will be appreciated.




  1. I used to love volleyball when I was younger... today I can barley pour myself into my old uniform. I loved to play the net because sometimes you can hit unprotected players right in the face, and you commonly get to win the game.

    The key to being a good spiker is varying your spike speed and strength. Sometimes acting like you are going to hit it hard and then just tapping it straight down is very effective.

    However, the key to hitting it hard on a spike is getting on top of the ball. If you hit the ball from the top it will go down more, and be incredibly hard to return.

  2. With hitting if your not hitting it (down enought) most probobly means your floating the ball (not snapping)  Your going to want to come up and swing throught the ball second part is make sure your opposite arm is pointing to the ball while doing it.  

    Lastly you need to snap meaning bring your arm down with your body crunching also "snapping" your wrist this will make the ball go down.  

    Now just FYI... Instead of hitting it down you can hit it hard and deep.  Better hitters try to keep the ball deeper and also keep there heads up and look to the best place to drop the ball wether it be hitting or dinking or cutting....

  3. my coaches really drill using the guid arm to direct and get power! when going up to hit the ball u want to point your guide arm in the direction of the ball and pull with quite a bit of force down towards your left hip if right handed and vice versa for left handed ppl, do this when coming in contact with the ball at the net. Also timing is very, very important in hitting hard.........if your timing is off the ball will either go flying out or flying into the net! one more thing snapping the wrist is important bt also snap with your whole body...using your abdominal muscles to snap the ball dwn when u come in contact with the ball! Hope this helps and good luck!

  4. snap your wrist down, and follow through with it!

  5. Our college coach would tell us to do the following:

    As soon as you spike the ball make sure your palm and fingers snap downwards right when the contact is made with the ball. You also want to be careful not double touching it. It kind of applies in the overhand serve as well when you want to put the forward spin on it. So basically start out the spike by keeping palm and fingers and wrist in line and as soon as you are about to make contact you want to bend your palm at the wrist. If you keep it straight, it will definitely go far or outside. Hope this helps.

  6. What you need to do is snap your wrist when you hit.

    When you hit the ball try to touch your wrist with your fingers.

    Practice practice practice until you get really good at it.

  7. It could be a number of things but I have a feeling that your hitting the ball to high.  You may be to early on your approach.  Keep the ball in front of you.  Don't be in a rush to get to the net.  If the set is off the net or errant your stuck.  Keep the ball in front of you.  A good drill to help you keep hitting down is hitting against the wall.  Hit the ball down to the floor it hits the wall and comes back for you to hit it to the floor agiain.  Also remember to hit on the top of the ball not the back and a little top spin by wrist action might help.  You can also try cuping your hand befoe you hit the ball.

    Good luck

  8. After you make contact with the ball for a spike, curl your fingers over the ball, so your fingers end up facing down at the end-just like you see them do for basketball after they shoot.  It's a very subtle move that makes a huge difference.

  9. As you are hitting the ball, make sure you snap your wrist downward. A drill for at home is to tie a knot on the end of a dishtowel so it is in the shape of a volleyball. (It won't be the actual size, of course) Have someone hold it at the right height for you. Hit it 25 times, as you would in a game. Make sure to snap your wrist. Do this twice a day.

    When you're on the court, aim for the opposite corner of where you are hitting.(w/out hitting it out of bounds) And I guarantee you, you will see a lot of playing time!
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