
Spilled water in a computer?

by  |  earlier

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i accidentally spilled an entire 12 oz cup of cold water on my computer tower. i waited a while and thought it was dry, so i turned it on and it i heard it sizzle and it started smoking. so i unplugged it, and now that it's dry it won't turn back on at all. did i fry something? is my computer long gone? =(




  1. you need to let this computer dry liquid is never good with electronics dang that sucks.

  2. its toasted.  sorry.

  3. I think your screwed.

  4. Yes, you should have taken it to a repair shop where they can check for you, the sizzle and smoke is really the sign of death .

  5. mail it to matt turk and let him punt it through the uprights

    you cant just wait awhile and think that its dry you have to take it apart and know that its dry no more beverages by your computer

    i hope you didnt fry the components unfortunately that computers are very delicate

    they sell compressed air that  you can use for drying components

  6. well that sucks big time srry idk probaly........ try finding someone near u that is good with computers and see if they can take a look at it.....ok and for future reference keep drinks away from computers =)

  7. Yeah, I think your computer is long gone. Sorry. =(

  8. da monitor or da actaul computer, if its either 1 of dem den yes der gone 4ever u cant fix it, but if its da computer jus buy a new monitor, n if its da monitor buy a computer

  9. If your house is still standing, and you're still alive, consider yourself lucky.  You may be able to recover the drive from that computer, but plan on buying a new computer.  (Labor Day sales next weekend.)

  10. duh dumb ***! i have a question for you. If your computer f=is fried how the **** are you asking this retaded question?

  11. Sorry, it is fried.  You needed take it apart to let it thoroughly dry, talking days here.

  12. somthing got fried but it is possible that only 10% of you computer is fried and if you take it to a computer repair shop you might be able to replace one or two of the parts for minimal cost. this depends on how muck of the insides you spilled it on and how long you waited for it to dry. Hope that i helped :)

  13. If you're the industrious type, you can unscrew the screws at the back of your computer and pop off a side panel (or possibly, the entire outer cover on some computers) and have a look at what may have been shorted out.

    If you have a very sensitive nose, you can possibly smell the component that shorted out.  If you're lucky, it was only the Power Supply Unit (PSU).  You can buy a new PSU or an entirely new tower for under $100 (U.S.).

    If only one component was shorted, pray that it wasn't the motherboard or CPU.  You can buy individual components fairly reasonably (although this would require some savvy on your part because you might need to reinstall your operating system).


    I beseech you, unplug your computer before you take off the cover.  I don't want you to end up getting a Darwin Award.

    A Chronicle of Enterprising Demises

    Honoring those who improve the

    accidentally removing themselves from it!

  14. Yeah I'd say so. Even a small ammount of water can ruin your computer if it gets on the motherboard.

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