
Spilt boiling water on my hand making cup o noodles?

by  |  earlier

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yea title says it all. spilt appx. 1 cup of boiling water on my left hand. my hand hurts really bad and has turned red everywhere the water has touched. you can even see drip marks in the redness. what do I do to treat this?

the burn mark covers all fingers but my thumb, as well as the palm of my hand. pain has been steadily increasing since initial burn. any advice or ideas is appreciated




  1. Run it under cold water, get to a doctor.

  2. put cold water on gaaz or however you spell it and keep it on for about a day take it off during the day and apply ice and also anibiotic ointment hwlps too. GOOD LUCK!!!

  3. I burnt my hand in a vat of grease, similar to what you have done, but mine was a lot more severe.  The doctor told me to put antibiotic ointment on it, and cover it in gauze and then to wrap it with an ace wrap.

    Take tylenol for the pain.

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