
Spinal Bifida help ?

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Hi i need your help my sister is 5 month pregnant, but she had a phone call from the hospital, saying her blood test come back and it shows that the baby is on the boarder line of spinal bifida . But she already had her first scan and they did'nt say anything, about it then as i thought they could pick up on spinal bifida stright away . what doe's it mean and as anyone had this before but everything was ok after.




  1. Alpha-feto-protein (AFP)

    This 'diagnostic test' is performed at about 15-20 weeks into pregnancy to find out the level of alpha-feto-protein, which is a protein from the baby, found in the mother's blood. If the level is higher or lower than normal it may be an indication that the baby might be at risk from either spina bifida, Down syndrome or other neural tube defects (problems with the development of the spinal column, spinal cord, brain, or skull as in spina bifida or anencephaly). If the test necessitates, a second AFP test may be given, then an ultrasound and possibly amniocentesis (see below) to give more detailed information. Some hospitals test routinely for alpha-feto-protein, while others don't. If you want to have the test and it is not offered it is wise to ask for it well in advance.

    What does a test for AFP entail?

    The specific details of the procedure may vary, but blood is usually taken from the mother between the 15th and 18th week of pregnancy and sent off for analysis.


  2. The tests are not always conclusive. Sometimes hospitals have counselors who work with people who have test results like this, to help them evaluate their options. Has she asked about this?

  3. Spina bifida is defective closure of the vertebral column. Although the cause is not known, low folate levels during pregnancy increase risk. Some cases are asymptomatic, and others cause severe neurologic dysfunction below the lesion. Open spina bifida can be diagnosed prenatally by ultrasound or suggested by elevated α-fetoprotein levels in maternal serum and amniotic fluid. After birth, a lesion is typically visible on the back. Treatment is usually surgical.

    Prenatal screening can help diagnose this condition. During the first trimester, pregnant women can have a blood test called a triple screen. This test screens for myelomeningocele, Down syndrome, and other congenital diseases in the baby. Most women carrying a baby with spina bifida will have a higher-than-normal levels of a protein called maternal alpha fetoprotein (AFP).
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