
Spins on serves?

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My serves are pretty strong and 80% straight, with or without spin. I was reading somewhere that the spin or lack of can change the direction of the serve. I found this pretty weird because my serves are usually dead on where I want them, with or without spin. I'm a little confused. Does anyone know a way that I can learn to manipulate the direction without giving away my inentions?




  1. I'm not sure about how to no give it away, but I did find tips on good top spins.

  2. No! If the spin is really fast then the ball won't go over the net!

  3. the only spin I've heard about putting on a volleyball serve would be a top spin.

    A top spin, if done correctly, causes the ball to drop, litterally, right after it crosses the net. If done well, your opponents will think that it's going to a back row player (based on it's flight prior to crossing the net), and then it will drop at their feet once it crosses the net.

    Basically, to give a serve top spin, you want to "snap" your wrist when you contact the ball. Instead of hitting the ball in the "back" of the ball, you'll hit it a little up, and your fingers will be closer to the top middle of the ball, and the snap - when done correctly - will cause the ball to eventually drop.

    Obviously, it's something you'll want to practice.

    Once you can start doing it consistantly, it's a nice "twist" to throw into your serves every once in a while (don't do it all the time - because then they'll expect it).

    Good luck to you.

  4. The way the ball spins doesnt have anything to do with the direction it goes on the court! The way the ball goes on the court is the way you hit it off your hand...thats the only effect the spin has!

  5. I think it really depends on how you serve with the spin...sometimes it changes direction for some people and others it quite like you because my serves go where i want them, spin or no spin!!!

  6. The only way I can think of (without taking away consistency) is by changing the strength of the serve- landing it short or long.

    But by manipulating, do you mean the knuckle serve (no spin at all)? You will know whereabouts the ball will land, but the opponent will have a hard time passing to the setter.

    I hope that answers your question.

  7. you can definitely manipulate the direction of a serve when done right. Here is a quick summary.

    1. top spin/jump serve

    this is done by quick snap of your wrist, similar to a spike. the effect of this serve is that it will make the ball hook and drop quicker (like a candy cane.) Best used on slow passers  and against the wind if youre playing outdoors.

    2. floater/jump float serve:

    this is done by hitting the center of the ball with an open palm. the effect of this serve is that it makes the ball move from side to side. there shouldn't be any spin on the ball as it "floats" across the net (like a knuckle ball.) The is by far the hardest serve to pass, as a player does not know how it'll contact their arms.

    3. underhand/sky ball:

    stupid serve unless youre playing outdoors with the sun behind your back.

    of course the more power you contact the ball the more it'll spin or float. but be aware you may not hit where or whom you want to serve. Good Luck and see  you on the court!

  8. when u serve stand where u usually do, but then u need to barely turn ur hand right as u spike in the direction u want it to spin at. if u want it to spin more, stand at the opposite side of where u want it to go. then turn ur hand in the direction of where u want it to go. it takes some practice, but it works really good. not many ppl can get it up if u got it hard and spinny.

  9. <>I'm no instructor, so here's a place with tips:
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