
Spiral Techniques???

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What are your best tips for getting a good spiral? I am 23 and somewhat flexible but I have trouble getting my leg turned out and behind me instead its out to the side somewhat. Is there a good stretching exercise to make you more limber? I can do the Kerrigan spiral but again I pull my leg out to the side versus behind me. Help please. :)




  1. It sounds like you might be flexible but have tight hip flexors (I have that).  It makes turning your leg out difficult.  

    One little trick to show turn-out in your foot is just to turn your ankle upward if your hip won't do it for you.

    For actual spiral positions, if you can balance with a chair with your hands and get close to a wall, do a spiral with your foot on the wall and arch your back.  You don't need to get the spiral more than waist level, but the arching of your back will help stretch both your back and your hip, and because your leg is pushing against the wall, you can ultimately control the position of your leg (so force it back behind you more than out).  You spiral position might not be as high at first as it is when it's out to the side more, but once you get used to the new position, it'll look nicer and the flexibility will come with more practice.

  2. practice off ice with a bureau or something to get the feel of where your leg should be and what it should feel like

  3. Speed going into a spiral makes a huge difference in how it turns out and how it looks, too!

    Strictly from an observes point of view, at least.  But the people that go into them fast look like they are managing to get better positioning and better arches. I know there is a physics explanation in there but I don't know it.
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