
Spirit guide question (no skeptics)?

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I've been able to communicate with my spirit guide on and off for a few months now. About a month ago while listening to my ipod on random shuffle and asked my guide to give me a song to describe my relationship with someone I have a thing for, the song The Walk by Imogen Heap played, and then I got the deep tingling sensation I get when I communicate with my spirite guide. The problem is not only do I not understand the meaning of that song, but I'm not sure how to get further clarfication from my spirit guide. Any suggestions (no negativity please)




  1. Every person senses messages differently:  some people feel that "tingling" sensation or emotions (like your case), while others can "hear" messages; yet still, others may just "feel" certain warmth or void or a "pit" in their stomach.  You're probably listening too hard to that song or "analyzing" too much.  Don't listen to the lyrics.  Instead, try to get a sense of how that song makes you feel (Happy?  Sad?  Disappointed?  Angry? And so on), regardless of whether that feeling matches with the lyrics or not.  Whatever is your FIRST gut feeling, that's relevant to the message.

    Have you tried using the pendulum to ask questions before?  Check out your local metaphysical stores and get a pendulum.  You don't need to buy the "charts" on how to read pendulum responses either.  Just grab a basic chart or card to know which way the pendulum swings means "yes" or "no."  Then find a quiet place, calm yourself of all "noisy" emotions.  Ask your questions in "yes" or "no" format.  Then see which way the pendulum swings.

    A method I use is the "emotion testing" way of asking questions.  You would need to be super familiar with your instinctive gut feelings and emotions.  Then ask specific questions and let the "feeling" come to you.  For example, sometimes when I suddenly feel a "dreadful" feeling and I don't know what kind of negative feeling it is, I would ask specific questions....such as "Is it disappointment?" and see if the feeling gets stronger....or "Is it premonition?" and see if the feeling gets weaker/stronger.  Once I figure out the specific feeling, then I ask another specific question, "Who is this related to?....Best friend?  Brother?  My daughter?  Mom?  Dad?"  I would picture each person's face in my mind and "feel" whether that sensation gets stronger or weaker with each face.  Whoever that sensation feels the strongest with is who it is related to.

    Or another effective method I use is the Playing-Card game---not the Tarot Cards, but rather just regular gambling playing cards.  I "assign" the red or black, as well as each "symbol" (diamond, heart, spade, or club) with a "weakest, weak, strong, or strongest" emotion, to a "yes" or "no" answer.  For example, the Heart means passion to me (whether it's "passionately in love" or "passionately angry"....just a very "strong" sensation), then #1-10 (with #1 or Ace = weakest possibility and #10= strongest possibility) and Jack, Queen & King are all "higher" possibilities than any numbers (with King being the highest).  And Spades "trumps everything" (the same "number system" 1-10, J, Q, K still applies) when I get one of those Spades as the answer to my question, it "negates everything" I feel or think at the moment.

    So, explore some other methods of asking questions that are designed specifically based on what colors, symbols, and tingling sensations mean to you.  OH!  You might even want to buy a deck of BLANK "Tarot Cards" and draw, color, or paint your individualized colors and symbols meanings.  Blank Tarot Cards are also available at your local metaphysical bookstores.  Perhaps even buy some incense to burn as an aromatic relaxation method for opening up "channels" (done by relaxation-meditation exercises) to prepare for open communication.  Try an incense called Nag Champa, also available at the metaphysical stores/bookstores.  You can get cheaper price for bigger boxes of Nag Champa incense in a Hindu Krishna Temple than those metaphysical stores.

    Besides burning Nag Champa to relax you enough to do in-depth meditation, you can also buy Escential Essences Perfume Oil's "Angelic Visions White Light Illuminations."  The scent is very light.  When you smell it and "anoint" a few dabs on the inside of both of your wrists (meridian points), on your 3rd Eye (another crucial meridian point located at the spot in between your eyebrows), the Angelic Vision White Light perfume oil helps you "open up" those crucial meridians to serve as "channels" for communication with the spirit guides.

    After you get a hang of this oil anointing to open up your meridian channels, meditate for a few minutes to clear your mind and heart of all thoughts and emotions.  Besides clearing out all thoughts and "noisy" emotions, slowly build up a sense of NEED to know the answers to your questions.  Once that NEED is so strong that it feels like your heart is about to "burst."  Then get out your playing cards, the deck of decorated Blank Tarot Cards, or the pendulum, and just start asking questions.  

    However, if you suddenly get bad vibes or good vibes at an inconvenient place (such as out in public), where you cannot do any meditation for preparation, you can still do the "Emotion Testing" method.  Just imagine each person's face (or a particular dilema you're confused about), apply that emotion or tingling sensation to each and every person, an idea that just popped into your head, or a dilema.  Go for your VERY FIRST impression, as that is ALWAYS the correct one.

    NOTE:  When you choose colors and symbols in using card methods, make sure they have personal meaning to you, so the "messages" spirit guides are trying to express are in YOUR language---much easier to interpret.  That's why I prefer to draw my own cards instead of using store-bought tarot cards.

    Hope this helps.  Best wishes to your spiritual exploration and growth!

  2. I actually agree with Tom E about Peter D.  Amazing that for once  I too am in agreeance with a skeptic, even though I am not one.  Get clarification from your own feelings.  Ask yourself something about your relationship and if you don't get an ooky feeling in your stomach from your self answered question, then you are comfortable with the answer and it's the way things are likely to be going.  Just read what I wrote again.  Must be late as it sounded convoluted.

    Give Peter D 10 points.  I enjoyed his answer!  It made sense to me. LOL

  3. If you're having difficulty understanding, tell whatever guide you are working that you need more clarity. A song would not be my first choice for obtaining that information because there are way too many individual ideas contained within it.

    Aside from journeying to otherworld to interact with them, my first real physical communication - where I used a divination tool - was a dictionary, believe it or not. I presently use a big Roget's thesaurus because it gives a much broader range of words.

    To use this method, prep as you normally would when working with your guides. Place the dictionary on the table in front of you and then rub your palms vigorously together to stimulate the chakras in palms and fingertips.

    Sometimes, I make a statement of what I want to find out and then say: "Please show me a word to indicate the validity of this statement." Other times, I find it more comfortable to simply ask a question and then add, "Please show me a word as it relates to.....".

    With eyes closed, run your finger along the edge and flip it open wherever you "feel" is right and open the page. Begin at the top of each page, with fingers splayed and using one hand per page, and then slowly drag them downwards. Take note of anything that feels different...a ripple on the page, a sudden tingle or warmth etc.

    Take a look at the word and its meaning and then spend a minute or so (or as long as you need) trying to determine the significance. It's always a good idea to record your results, especially if you're asking multiple questions related to your initial query or request.

    One note of importance...don't ask the same question twice because it shows your guides that you don't fully trust them. Normally, I take the word, if I can't immediately understand and add it to my next question..."Please show me a word that indicates the significance of.....".

    My doctor teacher guide is my main message guide so most of the work I do involves her. She's quite accommodating when I request for clarification. I don't know what your particular gift is (mine is clairvoyance) but she has provided images of items I had lost in their present location. You may need some other method of confirmation from yours and that is mutual task for both of you.

    Hope this helped...if you wanted clarification on any of this, please feel free to contact me.

  4. I don't think it's about your girlfriend, I think it's trying to say that you will have health problems, most likely a hernia.

    "Inside out, upside-down twisting beside myself...I feel a weakness coming on.....critical low .....vessels under down"

  5. There is a lot of latitude when interpreting something as complex as a song.  This is especially the case when trying to force it into a subject as specific as your relationship.  I would try to base your feelings for this person on something a little closer to home--like your emotions.  Take action of your own will rather than seeking a mystical source for information.  Playing this sort of "She loves me, she loves me not" game with the spirit guide and your songs may make things more complicated than they appear.  Besides, what if your spirit guide was napping (or chose to abstain from action) when you asked the question and the next song that played had no spiritual significance at all?

  6. No offense but I just read the lyrics and DUH!

    Not only did you get the tingles to give you a sign...that the sign was accurate but the actual song is very, very repetitive.

    I think you don't want the message to be true and that's why your hopes that you can ignore it.

    Do yourself a favor, read the lyrics again.

    It sounds to me like this person just isn't good for you and even if you do get together, it wont be like you hoped it would be and it wont end well.

    *Inside out, upside-down twisting beside myself,*

    Sounds like you are tying yourself up in knots about this situation and you need to let it go.

    To get further clarification, ask for another sign but don't choose where or how that sign will come to you. The more room you leave for your guides to communicate, the easier signs and communication can be delivered.

  7. I speak to my spirit guides regularly.  You can have Animal Spirit Guides AND Past life/Ancestor Spirit Guides at the same time.  

    I suggest you buy a deck of Tarot cards.  They have a bunch so look over them and pick one that Feels right for you.  I have Ask your Guides Oracle cards by Sonia Choquette.  They help me every day.  Once you start talking to your spirit guides on a regular basis and learn to live life beautifully and spiritually (Which is something your spirit guides are here for) You'll learn how to communicate with your higher self on a daily basis because your higher self is always with you.  It's that deap down spirit guide that is really the REAL you.  

    Think of it this way:  You KNOW right from wrong.  You may not have all the answers, but you KNOW if you're not right for your girlfriend.  Or visa versa. or how the relationship is doing.

    It's still really nice to ask for help on regular things as well.  It can help your trust the feelings you get.  I believe that we have a LOT of help. There are a number of different spirit guides that are just loving to be asks.

    With the situation with your ipod.  You could just think of how it made you feel.  Maybe confused is a good feeling to have.  It leaves it open for you to decide - not a direct answer to your question.  Spirit Guides are funny, subtle and helpful, but sometimes don't always solve all your problems.  That would be like cheating wouldn't it?

    Well. I hope this helped: Only YOU know whether it was help from you spirit guide or not.  We can only guess from experiences with our own.   Everyone is unique in their senses.  

    P.S. Also, sometimes if you have a preference for a song, you could have been willing the song to play faster than your spirit guide could choose one for you.  So you probably played the song for your self. hehe just a theory.    It happens when I don't concentrate on my spirit guide and will something to happen instead.  Your will is pretty strong and I don't beleive my spirit guides get i the way of my free will - they just suggest and love you for your decisions.  It's all learning.

  8. If my spirit guide does not know the answer i will not give the question.I know what to say to my spirit guide and what not to say.

  9. Hello

    I cannot help you with the songs meaning as I do not know it.

    What feelings about your relationship did you feel at the time?

    If not answers come then it may be that in this instance that you have to follow your own heart as guidance is not what they wish to give.

    Alternatively you could get the lyrics & see it they hold any truth for you?


  10. Okay, I am not a skeptic but a true believer. I believe in spirit guides and believe we can communicate with them. However what you just described is like  what Christians in my Baptist church used to do when i was a teenager. They would pray about something then open the bible and run their finger down the page with their eyes closed and stop, whatever scripture their finger was on was what they thought was the answer from God. The problem is too many times the scripture did not give any answer or insight.

    That is not a good method. This is not a negative answer but an honest open answer. The best way to find out what kind of relationship you have with someone is to pay attention. Get to know the person. Talk to them ask them questions. Have a one on one relationship with them.

    By the way yahoo answers is an open forum and anyone can answer any question any time. That is what is is for. If yo just want an answer that you agree with and do not want honest answers, you will not find it here. You will get both  answers you agree with and answers you do not want to hear.


  11. I'm a student of American Indians.They believed in spirit guides.Their guides were usually animals.It was an important event meeting your spirit guide.A vision quest was required.Maybe a week or two starving in the wild or a smoke lodge.It was a serious event.Personally I think spirit guides are imaginary.If I'm wrong I hope spirit guides are more like the Indian version.Helping with life or death decisions and leading a good life.Not interpreting songs and giving relationship advice..

  12. The first person to answer was a self-admitted skeptic. Tch.

    (he happened to be right, though).

  13. Spirit guides don't answer our every question, usually only when it is needed for you. When it's to do with your spirit, and when your sincere. Spirit guides do communicate in many ways, dreams is one main way. I have seen and heard my guide speak out loud, telepathically, and through past life memories, like a dream but usually a message within. Your spirit guide is someone you knew and trusted in a past life.

    Just before you go to sleep, is the best time to speak to your guide. If you believe in God you can ask for help, that he would assist, works for me.

    Usually when you ask questions just before bed, sometimes when you first wake up, the answer is there in your head, this is your guide giving you the answer. You have to be open to all the ways spirits communicate.

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