
Spirits and the paranormal??

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Ok, I have finally deemed my new house to be haunted by a little boy who lived in the 1920's [and please don't think I'm crazy] who died in my house. There are two different stories. The first one is he got really sick and died. The second is his mother was psychotic and drowned him in the bathtub [I looked them up online and talked to the former owner who agrees with me] Well, the second story makes more sense, because what I'm about to talk about involves my bathroom. Whenever someone goes in there they feel sick to their stomach or really paranoid someone is watching them. For the past week, I've been having nightmares about me being in the bathtub and this dark shadow overlooking me and I hear "HELP!" being screamed over and over again by what sounds like a small child. And I wake up sweating and freaking out. What do you think this could be? Is this spirit trying to contact me? I don't know what to do, I'm really scared. Please don't leave answers making fun of me, I'm being completely serious.




  1. i'd say spirit people.

  2. I'm a spiritual Atheist as well. So, I would definetely say that you need to get the spirit of this little boy help. Being a parent of a young boy myself, it tears me apart to know the spirit of a child is trapped where they died. I'd find a psychic or a witch to help you and help this spirit.  

  3. Well it depends how you want to play it. Personally I would be happy for the boy to stay, as long as he knows what happened, and you can get some sleep.

    I agree he is likely trying to contact you, in which case things will probably continue untill you find out what he wants. If you get a chance to commmunicate, tell him the truth as you find it - leave notes.

    Find out if it was accidental, and try to find information he may want.

    It could just be you are sensitive, so these memories are recorded in the house. I'm like this, so you will just have to mentally block them. I find a good technique is to treat the images as a chalk board, then just move them sideways - out of view. Some places always produce images, and I just expect it.

  4. Ok, no joking at all I promise. I'm a psychic and I've dealt with hauntings before. It's very possible that you're picking up the energy of past events. They tend to imprint themselves on houses or areas.  I'd get in touch with a couple of local psychics and have them take a look at the bathroom for you. It could be a spirit who's 'stuck' and trying to move on. However it could also be your subconscious working overtime on the story and causig you to dream about it. The first thing you need to sort out is which one it is.  

  5. Well, what you are experience has all of the signs of a high concentration of EMF in your bathroom. The symptoms of this are nausea, paranoia, and a feeling of being watched. The symptoms vary from person to person. I would get an EMF detector to see what the levels are in your bathroom. Most normal readings fall between 2.0 to 30.0.

    Also do some searching. Check out the records on your house to see if you can validate the stories.

  6. That story about the little boy and the psychotic mother is interesting. Did you just pick that up without being told? If so you could have some sort of psychic/mediumistic ability! The bathroom story kind of relates to me, it involves my hallway. Whenever I am in there I always have headaches and I get the feeling that I am going to throw up and I start to tear up and I don't know why!

    You could have some ability, the thing about the dreams kind of get me! You should do some research or contact somebody so you can find out what is actually going on.

    You need to learn how to help this boy [if this is actually paranormal] you should try to manage whatever is going on! Good luck either way!!

  7. Yes you may think its a ghost but if you are into the Wiccan thing and do not believe in God. Then it is probablly demonic forces.  

  8. Time to move.

  9. spooky

    i think you should try having an exorcism or telling the ghost to leave and go on to the other side because maybe he doesn't know he's dead.

  10. A demon spirit.

    Turn back to God.

    Get saved and repent while you still can for the Tribulation starts soon.

    Pray to God to remove the spirit and cleanse your house of all evil energies.

  11. I do believe in ghosts and spirits however most dreams are just that dreams. Nightmares are just that usually this is nightmares.  

  12. It's not an imprint...

    Jesse is right - the child must be assisted

    to find peace. Once that is done his troubles

    (and yours) will be over.

    Find a Priestess who serves the Goddess.

    A Wiccan will do, if she's for real.



  13. Spirits and ghosts aren't any more likely than gods.  I think it's much more likely you've managed to scare yourself with stories of ghosts and murders, and that's why you can't sleep.  No one is trying to 'contact' you.  If everyone feels sick going into your bathroom, you really should get it checked for a gas or CO leak.  That's a lot more dangerous to your health than your imagination.

  14. I agree with eri, get your bathroom checked for gas leaks and plumbing problems and try and find a rational explanation for your feelings.

  15. i really believe in weird stuffs like these. even though they r spooky i kind of love these stories and they r real interesting. i don't think that u r crazy. but ur 2nd story makes sense. it really is great. i think that it really is haunted.(not a joke, i am serious!) i really believe in these spooky hayntings. better be careful or go and explore ur bathroom when u hear those sounds, not alone though, and try to explore more about the story !

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