
Spiritual fasting and cleansing diet.?

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i am now fasting, i been fasting for pass 5 days my goal is 30 to 35 days, i am doing for weight control purposes and spiritual cleansing, i always do first 5 days of each new month, so my questions is a diet of fruit / vegetable juices , are suffcient, to complete my goal i am also on a good vitamin, this is my first time fasting for 30 days whice is the longest i ever done anyone that fast, if possible can u tell me your regiment, pretaining to a liquid fasting diet?? it would be helpful.. thank you only serious replies please....




  1. When I am on a long fast I find it necessary to have lots of variety of the fruits and vegetables that you juice, in order to supply enough nutrients. I also like to alternate fruit juice days and veggie juice days. My longest fast so far was 18 days.

    I also take vitamins and fast regularly every month for a few days. I am on day 11 of a longer fast myself right now.

    When I fast, I never make it "set in stone" how long I am going to fast for, because it takes time and experience with fasting in order to build up to doing a long fast. The most important thing is to listen to your body, and to rest when you need to.

    I find that hot herbal teas help because when fasting I get really cold easily since there is no solid food in my body. Hot baths can help, to a certain extent...although be careful because when fasting the body is really sensitive to changes in temperature, and stepping into a tub that is hot, while it feels wonderful, sometimes makes me dizzy.

    Another thing I found that when fasting longer than 7 days or so, I am more sensitive emotionally and to any kind of stress, so I keep these to a minimum when I'm fasting. I take time to meditate and to pray, and be extra gentle with myself in general.

    Also, remember that fasting is a personal journey. I keep it private, and only tell those closest to me who understand what I am doing and why, and who have only positive support to offer me. I keep myself away from toxic people. Most people have a negative reaction if they hear you are fasting because they do not understand. We live in an eating world, and fasting brings you into a different place, an altered reality, for a little while. When you are fasting you do not need negative energy. So my advice is do not tell people unless you know they will support you. I go to work as usual and do not mention I am fasting at all. Fasting is between myself and God.

    I really hope this helps, and I'd love to hear about your own fasting experiences.

    Best wishes, and don't listen to negativity! cheers! :)

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