
Spiritually Speaking, I'm Confused About This...?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so I met this guy *collective "aww"* and we've talked about a lot of things, including religion and such. He says that he's Atheist, but that he believes in Jesus. I asked for further detail, and he says that he believes Jesus is who Christians believe that he is, but that he doesn't believe that God created the earth in seven days and "all that". So... (and I'm a Christian who accepts evolution) how would I go about discussing this stuff with him? It interests me. Also, does that still technically make him an atheist? I've never met anyone like him before.

And why did Y!A want to put this in LGBT? o.0




  1. Maybe he only believes in the philosophy of Jesus. But if he believes in god and jesus as deities, he does not know what atheism is.  

  2. sounds like he believes but not it doesnt

  3. Well, whether or not he is 'technically' an atheist would depend. Does he believe in the divinity of Jesus or does he simply believe that Jesus was a real man and historical figure? If he believes in the divinity of Jesus then, from my point of view, that would be accepting or acknowledging the existence of supernatural/divine forces which would make him... well... not an atheist.

    As for discussing this with him... you sound fairly open-minded and it sounds like he is too. If you have questions for him, just phrase them politely, listen to what he has to say, don't be pushy or critical of his beliefs, and don't try to shove yours down his throat. From the tone of your post I doubt that you pushing your beliefs on him will be a problem, since it sounds like you're just interested in discussion and want to learn more about what he believes. :)

    As for your second question... I have no idea why Y!A wanted to put this in LGBT. XD The Internet works in mysterious ways...!

  4. Ask him not us

  5. Maybe he just believes that Jesus exists but nothing else.  Best to ask more questions and it's possible he's lying about something.  I know he's confused but all atheists are.

    The bottom line is the Bible says to not be unequally yoked with unbelievers (Read II Cor. 6:14-18).

  6. No arguments. He is not an Athiest.

  7. Atheism is not believing in gods. So if he thinks Christians are right about Jesus (that he was god among other things), that would mean he's not an atheist.

  8.   some atheists beleive Jesus was a man and only a man not son of God.they do not believe in any spiritual beings like God,devil,angels,ect. therefore they deny Jesus as the messiah and deny God as our creator.

  9. In order to answer if this technically makes him an atheist, I would have to know if he believes in God. I believe that Jesus and God are two separate beings, and he may as well. If so, he is not an atheist, as atheists hold no belief in God or an afterlife whatsoever. I do not believe that God created Earth in seven days either, but that is because I believe that the Bible is to be interpreted metaphorically. Perhaps he holds that belief as well?

  10. Pray to the Jesus so you all 'll know the right from the wrong and such and the like..

  11. Sounds like he is confused by what he really thinks, what he thinks he should think, what he has been brought up to think and what you think and so he is no actually sure what he thinks anymore and infact doesnt probably think too much about it anyway but seeing as you are asking him he is trying to sort out his thoughts on the matter but isnt quite clear himself. - If that makes sense!! :) Some people just dont think too much about these things then when put on the spot to come up with an answer realise that they havent sorted through what they think and feel and know and beleive and so havent filtered it all out into a set belief and answer yet.

    I guess if you are both keen on finding out what you beleive then keep chatting and thinking and watching films and reading books and speaking and listening with people with a wide variety of views and live your life and then in time things will become clearer with the more info you have and the more experience and time you have had and collected and then oneday you may have a firmer answer to your questions but until you really feel the answers sit well and true within yourself they are pretty meaningless and still part of a working out phase which may go on forever or may eventually become more solid and firm within each of you. There is no hurry and the more open you are to listen and learn to all that is out there to know and hear then the more right each of your spiritual beliefs will be to you and therefore make his answer meaningful thoughtful and felt rather then empty meaningless and duty bound to reply with some form of a confused answer.


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