
Spiritually Speaking, what would you do with this kitty?

by  |  earlier

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  1. It needs a vet attention.

    Please, take it to Humane society and someone, hopefully, will be able to adopt it.

    It is probably dehydrated..please, give him/her water too

  2. Find out about animal charities in your area. Kitty needs treatment and when he's better, a loving home. If you can't look after him, he needs to go somewhere where he can be.

    It's a pity your landlord doesn't allow pets, because I'm sure with love and TLC kitty will get better.

    Perhaps you can ask the landlord to change his mind?  

  3. Are there not places near you that take care of stray cats?

  4. take it to a no-kill animal shelter. apparently that cat needs some medical attention and after all of the medical attention is given, you can adopt it.


  6. Take it to a shelter and hope that it gets adopted, or continue feeding it for a few days while you try to find a home for it.

  7. If you suspect it got hit by a car get  a hold of someone who might be able to care for it such as a no kill shelter!

  8. I'd shoot it.

  9. First put a lime peel on it's head and take pictures. Then sell the photos to Lime Kitty.

  10. As others have suggested, look for a no-kill shelter in you area - they can give the kitten proper care and find him a good home.

  11. Why not take him to the humane society so they can give him to a family that can have him?

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