
Spiritually Speaking: Situational incontinence?

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Have you wet yourself over a particularly funny situation... like political candidates? How do I make it stop?




  1. Sorry. I think the political candidates this election season is anything but funny.

    Le sigh.

    Though I do kinda wanna LOL at the irony of it all.

  2. Man that sucks. LOL

  3. idk - cut back on the caffeine?


  4. Watch Letterman.

    He's un-funnied himself enough to cure your laughing jags.

  5. Ack!  Ever since I turned 40, other women ask me if I have stress incontinence.  Don't they realize its like asking, "Do you pee in your pants"?

    Anyway - there are other methods of stopping it, as well as those already mentioned.  There's surgery - a "bladder sling", collagen injections, and medications to prevent bladder spasms.

  6. Try a cork.

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