
Spiritually Speaking: Who, What, When, Where, Why, or How?

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AHHHHHH!!!! ^_^

My Sister is Pregnant Again! ^_^

She just told us... It's only been 5 months since she had my Nephew, now she's pregnant again, LOL.

Yeah, this isn't a questions, I just had to tell ya ^_^




  1. My daughter, a broken arm, a few months ago, on the hill in front of the house, she didn't listen and rollerskating...

    A bit too close together for my taste, but if she's happy popping out kids like a Pez dispenser that's her choice, to each their own...  

  2. Well Lime Kitty does seem to be everywhere today.

  3. Cool! :D  

    Although that'll be 2 in diapers at the same time  $$$!

  4. Good for her

  5. Congratulations

  6. Congrats to your family!  at least the kids will be close in age. hehe

  7. HAHAHA, get her a TV


  9. Lots of babysitting... lucky you. Congratulations!  

  10. Again ?Congratulations!you're going to be an Aunt/Uncle (Again)

  11. Tell that Catholic b*****d she's married to, to lay off her  

  12. You are already aunt.

    Wait, you are uncle, aren't you?

  13. Uh, congrats?  

  14. ok : ur sister, baby !!!!, 5 months later, p***y, ur two young to now the last two

  15. Irish twins ;)  Congratulations to your sister and you.  Hope she's happy about the pleasant surprise.

  16. Cool... I take it you'll be baby sitting!

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