
Spiritually Thinking,why do the older women on yahoo?

by  |  earlier

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try to make themselves look like 20 year olds with c**p they put on thier face and their crummy lil gurl outfits and sad silly smiles?..oh and no offense




  1. How do you know what anyone on Yahoo! Answers looks like?  Most people simply show avatars (like you), and the ones that post a picture are often too small to see any detail anyway.

    Do the cartoon avatars have too much make up on?

  2. I guess you're just jealous that I'm 49 and you still don't look as good as I do. I'm sorry for you.  I have nothing to be desperate about. I'm married to a hot s**y man and have no desire to be young and stupid ever again. The older I get, the happier I am. What is it about older women enjoying their sexuality that bothers you?

  3. what are you talking about?

    I am in my twenties...

  4. What older women where? Want to show some examples?

    I'm 42 and proud of it. I dress age appropriately. I take care of myself and I think I look d**n good for my age. At least my younger husband thinks so and that's all that matters.

    What does this have to do with R&S anyway?

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