
Spiritually speaking, Do you think?

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Spiritually speaking, Do you think?




  1. Who has time for that?

  2. Spiritually speaking? I think that our God is an awesome God.

  3. Did you ever stop to think.......................and forget to start up again?

  4. 'bout what?

  5. That the Bible is the word of God, the answer is Yes I DO!! Jesus is our Lord, If we follow His teachings and Love our neighbors as ourselves just think how much better the world would be

  6. Yes, I think all the time. I Think, I ponder, I wonder, I pray and I thank

  7. often :)

  8. Yes.

  9. Why yes I do.   Thank you for asking.

  10. As an atheist, yes I do.  Only atheists think, everyone knows that!

    I'm Atheist!

  11. Let me think about this on.

  12. I did once back in '45, but it hurt and I haven't done it since.

  13. when I'm not sleepy. Or drunk.... I really don't think when I'm drunk.

  14. Most of the time yes...I only stop when I rest

  15. Yes.  Except when I'm sleeping.  (maybe I think then too - I don't know.)  

  16. Excellent question. Star for you.

    Yes. I don't think enough though.

  17. "I think, therefore I am." Descarte

    "I stink, therefore I am." DesFarte

  18. Yes, especially when I am answering questions here.

  19. Apparently 'I'm Atheist' thinks he's an atheist.

  20. way to think is by logic.. about ideas, we can think if something is true, where does/would it lead? This is beyond simply thinking what we have been taught/indoctrinated with, whether educationally or doctrinally..  

  21. Why in the sam h**l would I do that?

  22. *drools a bit in an attempt to focus*

  23. I think all the time, my spirit person never rests.

  24. I think

    if anything I think too much.

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