
Spiritually speaking, are most atheists confused & funny people?

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Two of my friends who are atheists failed to take the challenge to stay overnite in a haunted mansion nearby the graveyard.

I thought they don't believe in ghosts. Lol!




  1. Your friends are just wimpy.

    I'd do it.

  2. Who wants to sleep in a cold-*** "haunted" mansion when they can sleep in a nice, comfy bed?  Makes perfect sense to me to not waste time sleeping in a "haunted" house if you already know that natural laws can explain any "Haunting" you might experience there.

    Speaking for myself, I'm a pretty funny person but I'm seldom confused.  When I do feel confused, I take the time to learn enough to un-confuse myself.

  3. I like to think that I am funny, but I am not very confused at all.

  4. Well I'm not confused but just wonder if there are ghost. I don't think so though but I would soon know if they scared me lol

  5. wheres this house at ill stay there

  6. I wouldn't either because it's a waste of time

  7. you can be an atheist and believe in ghosts

    no confusion, nothing funny about it

  8. Yes, it sounds like you have douchebags for friends.

    Sorry to hear that.

  9. Perhaps they didn't feel the need to prove anything to you.

  10. Confused?  I'd say yes. Funny?  I don't know.

  11. Maybe they need more faith in atheism?

  12. Two atheists who are confused do not represent the entire atheist population.  Take a logic class, for crying out loud.

  13. Atheists are funny not stupid.

  14. No, only the brainwashed religious ones are.

  15. I don't have to explain myself to someone as small-minded, self-righteous and brain-washed as you.

    Believing in God and believing in ghosts are two different things, or didn't they teach you that at Bible camp?


  16. So, because you are a moron who doesn't understand that "atheism" is ONLY the lack of belief in Gods, that makes all atheists confused and funny people.

    I think I get it now.  

  17. Why should they entertain what they perceive to be a false notion? They probably have better things to do with their time.

  18. I'm experiencing "Deja View"...

    I just answered this Question 15 minutes ago!

  19. don't you think reading the quran would be better for you than sitting there and bashing people just because they have different beliefs ?

  20. Maybe they believe it's better to spend the night in a warm bed... at home.

  21. haha I like your question.

    Isnt it great to see some of the answers ya get?  

  22. Your two friends must represent all of us!

    Also, belief in ghosts is nothing to do with disbelief in deities.  

    Or,  they may have just thought it was a waste of time.

    You are quite simply very confused, but not too funny.

  23. Are you saying that because they don't want to do the same things that you do that they have issues? Maybe you should see a therapist.

  24. i don't believe in them either, but I'm not going to stay in no cemetery.

  25. they sure are.  they believe in a **** load of random stuff

  26. You do realise that atheism means believing in no GODS nothing to do with the supernatural. Besides most people wouldn't want to say in a haunted house or condemned building as they are potentially dangerous.

  27. These mind control cults are just like the cigarette companies. They know that if they can get you when you are young (vulnerable and impressionable) they will most likely have you for the rest of your life. On the other hand, if you can make it to adulthood without falling into one of their traps then you most likely never will.  Perhaps we need some laws on the books to make indoctrinating anyone under 18 years of age into one of these mind control cults a form of child abuse.

  28. Assuming the "haunted mansion" is a deserted and dilapidated old house with no utilities or furnishings, I wouldn't be interested in spending a night there, either.

  29. Actually no. They at least try to use logic and reason to formulate beliefs based upon the facts. Christians believe what they are told. Like believing the church is actually affiliated with Jesus in anything other the name. After all the atrocities the church has committed against mankind, time after time again, throughout the ages to still believe the church is a "good tree" and has anything really to to with the Teachings of Christ is hysterical. When everyone knows that any Branch of His Tree can only bear Good Fruit. It would be impossible, as stated in the Christian Bible, for It to produce anything but. A righteous church would be known for the righteous things it has done, not for the atrocities it has committed against mankind in "His Name".  

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