
Spiritually speaking, do you think there really is such a thing as a bisexual male?

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Most of the experts I know of - first and foremost Dan Savage - insist that there is no such thing as a bi male. That all 'bisexual' men are just homos who haven't accepted their orientation yet.

I tend to agree. You?




  1. Uhh... yes.  There are bisexual males.

  2. Sounds like your "experts" have an agenda to push and it's not loving or spiritually healthy.

    Of course there are bisexual men and women.  It's based on attraction, not the opinions of anti-g*y and anti-bi activists.  If a person is attracted to both sexes, he/she is bisexual, period.  I've never been attracted to women, so I'm 100% g*y, but I've known many bisexuals.

  3. Then I guess I'd better tell my friend he just doesn't exist.

  4. Well to be honest, if you were g*y, it would be very traumatic to have s*x with  a woman. As much so as g*y s*x would be for a straight man.

    If someone says he's bi, then he's already 'come out', so there would be no benefit in pretending he was still attracted to women if he was really 100% g*y.

  5. All are Bisexual but most are closed to the other side of themselves.

    Edit: What would I have to gain by lying to you or myself?

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