
Spiritually speaking, doesn't the rest of the world envy America. Can their leaders field dress a moose?

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Spiritually speaking, doesn't the rest of the world envy America. Can their leaders field dress a moose?




  1. They used to envy America.  Back then, they knew America was different from other countries.  Maybe we need a few more wars and torture prisons to remind them of just how special we are.

  2. Down boy.  The election hasn't happned yet. You might be surprised how it turns out.

  3. Do you really think this is true. America has some of the worst standards for education on the planet. Even small 3rd world countries have higher standards. You need to research that question a bit better in my opinion.  

  4. I have no doubt the goat herders in the Middle East envy our potential leaders' stand on teenage marriage and pregnancy...

    Edit: re: above... I believe the question refers to Palin...

  5. What are you on?

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